Skipping Calc I/II

<p>Paul…you can declare math as your major and be premed, but that is a very tough major to be premed.</p>

<p>Thanks Mom2. He liked Calc1 better and faired slightly better in that course as well. I also read on this site that Calc 3 builds on Calc1 and his advisor recommended Calc 1 for physics, so a Calc 1 retake seemed like the right thing. </p>

<p>In my application,
Major and Departmen: Pre-Medical, General Arts & Sciences(same thing in my Degree Works, which is kinda weird)</p>

<p>Oh yeah mom2collegekids, I forgot that pre med isn’t exactly a major…but yeah. Sorry. </p>

<p>So going back to original topic, What do you recommend? Skipping honors calc 1/2 using AP score(without getting Honors Credit), or just staying in Calc 1/2?</p>

<p>Paul…You need to figure out your major. I dont know how super strong you would be in upper division math classes…which are far more complicated than the calc classes, dif EQ, etc. I wouldnt want your med school hopes dashed by some Bs in those tougher math classes. Bama has some super-brainy math profs, and their classes are tough. </p>

<p>tell me what your strongest subjects are…and what you love.</p>

<p>chemistry and calculus are my favorite subjects…I am trying to figure out which major I will have not only for my own joy but also for my future</p>

<p>Paul…you may want to create your own major in NewCollege with a mix of math, chem and other stuff favorable to premeds…including some philosophy courses.</p>

<p>I don’t think I need to change my school just for the major. I have decided to be a chem(or bio chem) major.</p>