Howdy. So I haven’t slept in like two days (at all). I’ve had history with insomnia and stuff like this. I’m an out of state student so I can’t just go to my doctor or anything. I can’t afford to see a doctor here though. I’ve had to use medication in the past. Is this something I can go to the Student Health Clinic for, or am I screwed?
Asking because I’ve heard that student clinics are more geared towards like injuries and the like.
Sorry if this is nonsensical, I’m just really tired.
Go to Student Health. This is not uncommon. I have no idea how competent they will be (D’s school was not), but this is not something to try to solve on your own at this point. If you are covered by a student health plan, there is probably coverage for a referral to a specialist if needed. Also, I suggest you talk to your parents and find out what out-of-area coverage there might be under their plan, which I would assume you are still on if they have one. Get hekp. This can be really tough to beat.
I think the student health center would be good. You can also try the student counseling center who may be able to help you with some relaxation techniques
@AboutTheSame I have out of area coverage, but I can’t afford the copay unfortunately (It’s 60 dollars if I can remember correctly). The only reason the Student health clinic is an option is because it’s free, and my usual prescription is under 4 dollars. I wasn’t sure if this was something I could go there for.
Thanks for the advice, I’ll be making an appointment ASAP.
@shawnspencer I’ll be making an appointment at the health center. The counseling center probably isn’t the best place for me, since my problem is solely medical and not psychological. But I’ve been practicing sleep hygiene and relaxation every night! Just hasn’t done much of anything.
Go to the Student Health Center. If you have a prescription from your doctor at home, you can have it called in to a local pharmacy (or have it filled at home and sent to you.) There should be a way for your care to continue.
I’m commenting to follow this post… I know that this will be an issue for me next year when I go off to college- I’ve been dealing with insomnia for some time now but I haven’t gotten a prescription for it. I’ve tried sleeping pills, natural remedies, Nyquil, etc etc etc and I still can’t sleep before 12. The past 3 nights I’ve been awake until 5 am and had to force myself to sleep. Granted, I haven’t been to school yet (start in September), but during the school year I usually get around 2-4 hours of sleep at night.
So, in a nutshell, I really understand your pain. Being tired all of the time is so frustrating, especially when you want to focus on your studies but you can’t. Most colleges have a Student Health Center and it’s free. I know that somebody mentioned this but going to the Counseling Center may help- a lot of sleeping problems are psychological as well as medical.
The only thing that I can recommend temporarily is Chamomile Tea, listening to an audiobook (usually a female with a softer voice), ASMR (videos on youtube. Weird at first but work really well, and if you get tingles it’s even better), or buying a nice sized teddy bear to cuddle while going to sleep (studies show that hugging a stuffed animal releases relaxing chemicals in the brain).
Hope I could help