Slight Move-In Glitch

<p>My son and husband had a slight glitch getting my D moved in to the dorm for her second year. She had an 11 a.m. Move-in time and they arrived on time and unloaded both cars with no problem. My son and husband then took our van and went to her storage unit to pick up the rest of her stuff. When they returned to Ridgecrest a little after 12, they were told they couldn’t drive into the unloading area until 1:00. I am assuming it was a lunch break. They had to go park elsewhere on campus, walk to my D’s room and wait until 1 to unload. </p>

<p>Just a minor inconvenience, but wanted to give a heads up to any returning students who have an 11 a.m. Move-In time AND stuff in storage.</p>

<p>Thanks Peachtide! We’ll have to deal with that next Sunday for D. I was planning on being there on the dot for the 10am move in time; have D1, D2 and DH unload & start getting unpacked, while I drove over to the storage unit and come back before 11am.</p>

<p>You should be fine with a 10 a.m. time slot.</p>

<p>There are folks nearby that are handing out water bottles and Gatorade. It was such a help!</p>

<p>That’s our game plan next weekend, too. Son has an 8 am move in time. We are going to the storage unit Friday evening, load up the car and bring that stuff in first. Then husband and son will go back to the hotel to get the luggage and whatever else didn’t fit for the first trip and head back to campus. I did warn husband that he will probably not be able to unload at the curb on the second trip, so we’re leaving the rolling suitcases packed with dorm items and clothes and small, lightweight items for that second trip. I’m not sure how close we’ll get to park for that trip, though. Hopefully, in the lot behind the dorm, like we usually do. </p>

<p>Another tip we’re going to try, for those bringing back their printers. Since being in the box takes up most of the trunk space, husband was going to transport the printer out of the box in the car. I was worried about it being damaged, so I suggested we put it in a suitcase, wrapped in son’s towels and linens. Hopefully, this will protect it from damage.</p>

<p>Why are so many upperclassmen arriving early? Son is arriving next Saturday, as he’s volunteering to help with move-in next Sunday, but I’ve heard of a lot of people arriving this week. And most of them are not Greek or in band or AA or OA leaders. So, why would they be arriving a week and a half before classes start?</p>

<p>AFAIK, the housing contract for the Bluffs allows students to move in earlier than normal. I’m moving in on Saturday because flights were a lot cheaper that day. Sadly, none of my clubs had enough members who wanted to help with move in, so I’m completely free on Sunday. </p>

<p>It’s interesting to hear that they are turning people away who arrive during the scheduled lunch break. I ended up arriving during that time period last year due to flight delays and had no problem moving in.</p>

<p>^^Montegut, my D was originally scheduled to help with the Honors Move-In cookout on Saturday (which has been cancelled due to the large number of Honors freshman this year) and she is also going to volunteer with AA a couple of days. However, these efforts are really a means to an end! She could not wait to get back on campus with her friends (most are RA’s or in apartments)!</p>

<p>I decided to move in to the Bluff early in order to give myself a breather after my internship and because I have about 10 meetings in the coming week to plan for all the things I’m in. Plus I am going to try to get a head start on my research project for this semester. </p>

<p>Also, whenever I move any of my valuable electronics (printer, desktop computer, monitor, etc…) I wrap them in my blankets/comforter. Haven’t broken anything yet! <em>knock on wood</em>.</p>

<p>Thanks for the warning, DS has a 1pm move-in Sun. and we were planning on hitting the storage unit first so will hopefully avoid any problems. Has anyone had any luck getting their keys early? Will be staying about 15 miles out Sat. night but if there is a chance DS could get his keys Sat. night could at least get in the room, move furniture, maybe make a storage unit run etc.
Also - assuming that the individual rooms are locked, otherwise DSs suitemates could let him in…
Sunday night plans anyone??</p>

<p>The individual room weren’t locked in D’s suite. As a matter of fact we used the 4th suite mates room (who arrives during regular move-in) as a staging area for D so that her stuff wasn’t sitting in the common room when another suite mates stuff was being unloaded.</p>

<p>FWIW, the individual rooms were locked in Son’s RSNT suite. Maybe because he is the only one in the suite until next weekend.</p>

<p>We will probably be the first to arrive in the suite, as son has early move-in Saturday, and hope to just unload everything into the common room, park the car, and then use the rest of the day to unpack. If any other suitemates arrive before their move-in time, they can give us a call and we can let them up to unload their stuff into the common room as well. Even if the individual bedrooms are locked, you can still unload linens and toiletries into the bathroom and vanity area, as those should be open, and they should also be able to unload their kitchen items and even stock groceries in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets, as those should be accessible.</p>

<p>Quick question, though, as I can’t remember from last year.</p>

<p>Is there a trash can provided and what size is it?</p>

<p>One of son’s suitemates from last year bought a huge bucket that they used as a trash can, but I don’t think anyone is bringing that this year. I’m sure they can pick it up later at either the Target night or when stores are restocked, but I was hoping there would be some type of trash receptable available during the unpacking process.</p>

<p>Son’s suite had no trash cans. For the movein trash, We just used a the plastic bag that coered ones of the pillows we purchased and then dropped it off in the trash room for his floor. We purchased a trash can for his room, one for the bathroom, and three for the kitchen (one for trash, one for aluminum & plastic, one for paper). Our son is big on recycling.</p>

<p>No trashcans in the suite in Ridgecrest West. The honors college does leave a giftbag in your room. IIRC it contains mech. pencils, pens, highlighters, and 2 rolls of TP! The bathroom did not have any TP.</p>

<p>^^^Random, where did you get the garbage can? We’re hoping to make a Publix run only for groceries and hope to pick up a trash can there, if none is provided in Riverside West. We have a nice mesh trash can from Office Depot in storage for son’s room, but I’m not sure if any of the roomies have kitchen garbage cans in storage. I’m bringing a pack of 13 and 8 gallon garbage bags with us, so either size will be fine in a pinch. Just don’t want to be driving all over town shopping all weekend!</p>

<p>Trash cans are not provided in the suites. So you’ll need to make a stop at Target/Wal-Mart for one.</p>

<p>Montegut: Have your son e-mail his roommates to see if one could pick up a kitchen garbage can and bring it along. It’s one less than to put in the car, and it will cut down the stops you need to make.</p>

<p>AL34: Your son may be able to get his keys if you arrive early. Last year, my son had one suitemate in the Million Dollar Band and another with the SGA. Meanwhile, my son offered to help with move-in. He got his keys a couple of days early.</p>

<p>Hi Montegut,</p>

<p>We are also moving in at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. We’re on the second floor and hopefully I’ll get to meet you and thank you in person for all of your help!</p>

<p>Also, the honors cookout is canceled??</p>


<p>I didn’t see your question until today. We got the trashcans at Target (13 gal., Kitchenaid or Kitchenmaid, I think). When we went for our last Target run Sunday morning, they were sold out of the ones we purchased. FWIW, the Target has also has a full grocery store, so you could stop there rather than Publix.</p>

<p>When we went for our last Target run Sunday morning, they were sold out of the ones we purchased</p>
