Sls 2006

<p>Hey everyone. My experience at SLS 2006 week 2 was awesome. I got a ton of cool stories from camp. Anyone else got any good ones?</p>

<p>3rd Platoon 4th Squad all the way!</p>

<p>Hey! 3/5! I was the dude with glasses... nickname 'mama' (I know... out of context sounds kinda wierd). I was with quesadilla and jennayy and chuck norris and all those guys. 3rd Platoon KICKED ASS.</p>

<p>i cant wait to meet my future KICK ASS classmates: mama, jenayy, quesadilla, and chuck norris. </p>

<p>i'm too old for this</p>

<p>quit hating on my SLS squadies, we totally rocked our basketball throw.</p>

<p>and i did 5 pullups</p>

<p>remember that time i shot gatorade out of my nose when we were pretending to be plebes?!?!?!?!</p>

<p>HAHAHA its kind of an SLS joke, you wouldnt get it.</p>

<p>Page 7 of the Pointer View has an article about SLS.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Yeah, 3/5 was pretty sweet too. </p>

<p>All I remember was that Jenny girl, cause she was always running around in formation. Haha.</p>

<p>Im sure if I looked at pictures, I could find you.</p>

<p>Was Ansberger that one crazy guy in your squad?</p>

<p>Well, I'm not sure... I never learned everyone's real names. We pretty much went by nicknames the entire week... But it might have been Maryland... he was short, amazing crabwalker??</p>

<p>Yeah, he was the crabwalker alright.</p>

<p>I think I remember you, Mama, but you probably wouldnt recognize me.</p>

<p>Haha were you there when that kid threw his water bottle and hit the seargant right in the leg?</p>

<p>They sure were pushing for a while...</p>

<p>that was amazing too when 3rd platoon did the SPIRIT MISSION! Fix Bayonets, 3rd Platoon!</p>

<p>Whoever did that was awesome.</p>

<p>I heard 1st platoon also did a mission. Is this true?</p>

<p>yea *** was the poster thing all about with mickey mouse. i was in 2nd platoon, so i have no clue what u guys were celebrating and cheering for.</p>

<p>Haha I loved that poster!</p>

<p>Who were the kids from second that tried to take it down? I felt bad for them when the company commander rolled in.</p>

<p>I was one of the ones that took it down, lol. Everyone who did that was in P2S1, Baller's dirty dozen (+2) We also sang my girl to the CO if you didn't see it, and I proposed to her one time at breakfast. We didn't get in trouble at all, our SL ok'd it with a general instead of going through the chain of command, so the company commander didn't know we had permission.</p>


<p>What did she say about the proposal?</p>

<p>Baller was a pretty nice guy.</p>

<p>3rd Platoon still doesnt like you; we loved that poster!</p>

<p>lol. She told me no and she can't marry me while she's going to WP. I took a pancake and cut a hole in the center for the ring.</p>

<p>We didn't destroy the poster, we just took it down and stole it. My roommate didn't hide it very well, he put it in his drawer in our room. So, when they searched the room they found it quickly and put it up in the other building. I didn't get the mickey mouse on the poster, what was that about?</p>

<p>You know what, I dont know what that was about, but I sure liked it. Some artsy girls in our platoon drew it. I guess it just went with the disney thing.</p>

<p>Haha he hid it in a drawer...</p>

<p>What gave you the idea to propose to her, did you do it on a bet or something?</p>

<p>The pancake is a pretty sweet ring.</p>

<p>You got any other funny things?</p>

<p>I'm not sure really, Baller was telling us about how a kid in session 1 kept messing with her, so I asked Baller if I should go propose to her.</p>

<p>On the barbeque night when everyone was leaving I did a walk-by picture with the CO when she was talking to generals. I walked by her, turned around real quick, held out my camera, smiled, and took the picture. She was furious. lol. She followed the crowd and was like WHO TOOK THAT!? I said me, she grabbed my name tag and looked at it. I thought I was in trouble, but she never said anything after that. I did a walk-by with Baller, but he didn't really care. When I did a walk-by with the PL he threatened to break my camera.</p>

<p>What I thought was hilarious was about a week after singing My Girl to the CO, at Boy's State when the little chorus performed, they sang My Girl in the exact same way we did, and i just bust out laughing</p>

<p>Haha thats really funny, I laughed though at the dance when that one cadet guy started bodysurfing and then all the other ones got on that stage and started dancing to the disco music in the most provacative ways.</p>

<p>I'm surprised she didnt come and make you push the rest of the week, haha.</p>