SLS Application

<p>My son is currently a junior who is interested in apply to West Point for the Class of 2014 and to the SLS program for June, 2009. He will sit for the PSAT in October, and the SAT exam next spring. I know, from reading previous threads, that the application for SLS begins on line in mid December. Does anyone know if a SAT score is part of that application, and will it hurt my son's chances of attending SLS (because it is so competitive) if he has not yet taken the SAT at the time of applying for SLS in mid December? Any responses would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>They will use his PSAT score.</p>

<p>Yes, PSAT scores are used for the SLS application - and are given substantial weight. It is worth prepping for the test...</p>

<p>if he does bad on his psats do not send them. I got rejected from sls b/c my psat scores were to low.</p>

<p>I think it is a required part of the application.</p>

<p>I thank everyone for your quick responses. He has always been a top-flight student, and has been extremely successful on other standardized tests. I am sure that he will be fully prepared for the PSAT.</p>

<p>"if he does bad on his psats do not send them."</p>

<p>For others out there - this is not an option....</p>

<p>maybe its changed but when i filled out my application it said psat scores(optional)</p>

<p>I think that you can submit the PLAN (pre ACT, I had to take it last year as a sophmore), PSAT, ACT, SAT, or a combination of these scores to be considered for SLS. At least you can for the AFA summer seminar application...</p>

<p>The old SLS application did not ask for PLAN results - that may have changed.
If would agree that one could submit higher SAT/ACT scores in preference to submitting poor PSAT scores , however I do not agree that one could withhold poor PSAT scores if one does not have any other standardized test scores to submit. Most Juniors do not yet have SAT/ACT results when they apply for SLS.
USMA admissions does have access to the list of all Juniors who have done well on the PSAT.</p>

<p>main point of all of this do good on your psat's. When i took them everyone told me that they didnt count for anything so i didnt study at all and it ended up causing me to be rejected from sls.</p>

<p>SLS is a great experience and allows USMA to gain specific insight into those attending. But it is not a requirement and not being accepted into SLS has little bearing in the admissions process. However excelling while attending SLS can be a positive attribute. Take home lesson is to not get at all upset if you are not accepted into the SLS program.</p>

<p>Okay, I have another question. My son is a Junior and we just heard about the SLS program last night. He didn’t take the psat and is scheduled to take the SAT in January. Will it be too late to apply (in real life, not according to the “official” deadlines) when he receives his results?</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>


<p>No, I got their “letter” telling me to apply in march or april of 2007, and i got my results within a week. I did not have a totally awesome PSAT score, but my SATs were good, so I think your son will be fine.</p>

<p>Bc im curious to how low your PSAT scores were? How low till they won’t except you?</p>

<p>Recommended scores are in the 60’s as a minimum per section - and looking more for mid 60’s. Math and critical reading are more important than writing. Similarly if you’re submitting SAT scores, they’re looking for 600’s; preferably 650’s. For the ACT, we tell candidates high 20’s to lower 30’s.</p>