SLU class of 2023

DS admitted yesterday -waiting merit scholarship and pre-med scholar

Amy ideas when these decision come out?

DS waiting on admission decision. Can I ask how you were notified? He applied Oct 30 and just noticed his status changed online to decision made. Fingers crossed!

My daughter applied about 3 weeks ago (I think), and got a voicemail yesterday from her admissions rep. She knows of people who received acceptances last week so I imagine they are going in waves. One thing I wanted to point out that we did not expect: she applied to the OT program and was told in the message that while she has been accepted to the university, the program-specific admissions decision will not be made until January. She also said that scholarship decisions have not been made yet.

Thanks! Exciting times :slight_smile: Anxious to know what the merit aid will look like.

My portal has said decision made for a week now (with no decision actually shown), today around 5 pm my admissions counselor called to tell me I was admitted! She also said she loved my essay (mentioning specific things I had wrote about) which was super cool, and told me I had received a vice presidential scholarship of $23,000/ year. I was also urged to apply for the Presidential scholarship and the Medical Scholars program. Her exact words were “I don’t make the final decision but I think if you apply you will have a very strong chance of recieving the full tuition scholarship!” I found this interesting as my stats are not “tippy top” (32 ACT, 3.88 UW/4.33 W GPA & pretty good leadership extracurriculars). Do you think she actually meant it when she said I had a good chance or do they just tell this to everyone to get more people to apply?

I just received a voicemail from my admissions counselor saying that I was admitted into SLU! I also received the Vice Presidential Scholarship and was admitted into their direct entry Occupational Therapy program. I also had to wait a little over a week from when the SLU portal said decision made.

Congratulations on your acceptances, that is terrific!

We are waiting to hear from SLU, my daughter applied near the end of October and is coming from a good Catholic School in California. Fingers crossed!!

Can I ask how people are seeing the Decision Made reference on the website? Thank you!

If you log into the SLU application website and click on the my applications tab at top, it will show your status. My son’s status showed decision made for over week and then he got the call from his admission counselor. He also was awarded VP scholarship and catholic high school award which came about a week after his call. He’s very excited!

Thank you! We see a decision has been made, we will hope for the call from the admission counselor.

Thanks again!

She got in!!! Very excited about that – thank you all for your help here!

She applied via Common App in late October and they left a VM – thanks again!!

My son’s portal just changed to “decision made”. Is there anywhere to see what the decision is? Or do we have to wait for the letter in the mail?

Just so you all know – it is pretty common for SLU to give you a scholarship and then increase it some time in the next few months. My daughter was originally offered the Vice Presidental award back in 2014 when she started. I think at that time the VP stated amount was $16,000 per year. Within a couple of months, she got a letter saying they had more donors and they were raising it to $18,000 per year. I think this happens most years.

Just heard that DD got accepted and got merit money, but need to wait for package to arrive this week. (person on phone not an admission counselor.) Can we see it online? I had called because we wanted to do a visit over the long Winter Break, as she goes to BS and will not be around in Spring (crew Spring trip). Very excited for my DD. Her stats: 33 ACT, 3 APS with 4s/5, 4 STEM subject tests 720-780. GPA is from BS, so no way to compare. Several laboratory experiences in competitive summer engineering programs. She will hear about Medical Scholars in March. Wahoo!

Yeah, DD got the acceptance package! Vice Presidential Scholarship! We are so proud and happy! Merry Christmas,e everyone!

Finally got the packet in the mail today. Deans scholarship! Hoping he has a chance to interview for the Presidential scholarship.

Does anyone know when the invites will be sent out for the presidential scholarship?

@bhilker Just got the call that I was invited for the interview for the presidential scholarship.

I got a call too! Do you guys know how many people get called for the interview?

Congrats, are you guys from St. Louis? I think they send invites by region @pun2018 @BigMan1234

What weekend are your interviews? I think last year there were two different ones.