SLU Medical Scholars 2021

Hi! I’m starting a SLU Medical Scholars page because I didn’t see one that applied for just this year. I think around 900-1000 people applied (that’s the number the SLU webinar said generally apply) but I’m not sure how many were accepted. Feel free to put anything related into this page, acceptances, rejections, questions, etc :slight_smile:


Glad to see this page. There is little information available about this program and lots of controversial opinions. MY D was accepted in this program, and also in the Tulane Honors Program in which she like the option of their Creative medical Scholars program. Still weighing to see which one is better for her.

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My d was admitted into SLU Medical Scholars program. She applied for PA but got into Medical.

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Wow 900 to 1000!! They said in an email that it had a 45% acceptance rate which would mean 405 accepted. That seems like a lot. I have heard they usually accept around 300 and about 120 join the program.

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hey everyone! I couldn’t find much about the program, and I am looking at applying for the 2021-22 cycle. Would anyone be willing to share or talk about their applications?

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What did she end up choosing?

I am a freshman in the SLU Medical Scholar program, feel free to reach out!

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Hello could you tell us how many med scholars there are in you cohort?

Hey! We started with 105 and are now down to probably 90ish. Let me know if you have more questions!

Is GPA the only reason for students to drop out of the program?

that’s the main reason that people drop out of the program, and a lot of people choose the leave the program as well if they decide against doing medicine.

How are the classes?
is there grade deflection?
Is it difficult to achieve the 3.65 GPA?
Are students competitive or collaborative?
What is your general opinion about this program?

Is Neuroscience a good UG course in SLU?

HI, my son got accepted into the program for next fall. Was wondering how your experience is going as of right now? He is trying to choose between Holy Cross and SLU. Any feedback would be great, like how challenging life as a freshman scholar has been, and have you been able to enjoy all of the activities as a typical freshman. He has also gotten into the Honor’s Program. Not sure if he will live in the dorm as well. Thank you!

The classes are difficult and definitely do require a good amount of studying and focus, but if you manage your time wisely, attend office hours, and continue attending lectures, then you should be able to achieve the 3.65 GPA. The students in the program are really collaborative and I usually study and work on my labs with other students in the Med Scholars Program. I really like the program so far and think that the pre-health office does a great job with assisting med scholars and making sure that we are on top of our requirements for applying and making sure that we are able to get our shadowing and service hours by the start of sophomore year. I would say the challenging part of being a freshman med scholar is the time management, as you will be balancing your coursework, service organizations, clubs, and shadowing all at once, but with practice this certainly becomes easier and you aren’t alone in this either! I definitely still have time to go out with friends and enjoy life as any other college student, but I make sure to work hard and play hard at the same time. Let me know if you have any more questions!