Small mistake on my U.C. Application, what should I do?

Hi everyone!

I’ve been a long time lurker on this forum as I am planning to transfer this fall and love reading all the tips as well as torturing myself with old UC admissions threads. I’ve decided to make an account because I discovered two errors on my UC application and would really appreciate some input.

When I was filling out my apps I didn’t have a transcript in front of me. At the time my transcript was on hold because I couldn’t afford to pay my CC for the previous semester ( I know, terrible!). Luckily I entered all my grades correctly but made two careless errors. I entered that I had begun school in Fall of 2012, Lies! It turns out I actually began in spring of 2012. All of the other semesters are correct though. To make matters worse I listed that I took Developmental Psych. in Fall of 2012 when in fact i took in Fall of 2013. The grade was entered correctly but those it should have been further down. Is this terrible? Is it something that will get noticed assuming I am admitted? Should I report it now or wait?

I’m hoping to hear some similar stories with positive endings, I’d hate for this to ruin my chance of admissions as it was a totally honest mistake. Though I do understand how this looks totally sloppy to admissions people.

Thanks so much!! :-SS

Wait until you’ve been admitted and then email/call the respective schools you’ve been admitted to. I think a bigger problem would be they received your transcript and it turns out that you actually had a C for a course you said you got an A on. Don’t think they would rescind you over a discrepancy in when you took your courses.

Thanks so much for your response!

That’s what I was thinking of doing. I seriously doubt they would even notice with all the transcripts they’ll be receiving.

I ended up going to the transfer center today and double checked with my counselor just to be sure. She called some of her connections at the admissions offices of the UC’s I’m applying to. They told her it shouldn’t be a problem but it should definitely be listed as an academic update as it very well could jeopardize an admission when it comes time to submit transcripts. So scary to think that something that seems so trivial could possibly result in rescindence. T

Now I’m even more worried because I feel like such a careless error looks so sloppy. Especially so close to admission decisons.

The good news is she said this has no affect on my TAG.

Looks like for now all I can do is keep my fingers crossed!