Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

We are aware of it.

True, but they also don’t give scholarships to students who don’t apply. Just saying.

Separately, is your daughter involved in this process at all? What are her thoughts?


Out if the 20 public universities my 19 year old applied to, SUNY BING came in as the least expensive option, cheaper than our flagship after merit.


Your DD should judge for herself. You are going to find happy, and unhappy, kids at every school. Just because some neighborhood kids were unhappy at Salisbury, doesn’t mean you DD will be.

You think everyone at UMD is happy? Everyone at Dickinson is happy? Everyone at Harvard is happy?

It feels like you are making a lot of decisions for her based
what you “think” or “heard”. You seem quick to dismiss a lot of good advice given here.

Where is your DD is all this? Let her steer this boat. Let her feel what she feels about each school. Don’t try to tell her what she feels, where she will succeed, certainly not where she won’t succeed, etc. I hope I am making sense!


Is she student there now? What is her experience? What major?


I know many students who attended Binghamton
.from our HS, family members etc. Most of them are Jewish. All have enjoyed their time at Bing.

One started as a premed history major and is now in PT school.
One was a history major and went to law school
Several psych majors who went to grad school for speech pathology and related fields
One was in the business school

There’s more

If you look at the admissions data you will see that it’s a very strong school.
Is your daughter involved in this research? What are her thoughts?

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@twoinanddone 5 miles from campus is far, especially if you don’t have easy access to a car like most freshman. If religious community is important then it should be within walking distance. Why keep looking if she’s happy with, for example, Muhlenberg with its Hillel right there?

I honestly don’t see @momsearcheng as having unreasonable requirements, given how many colleges there are. Maybe she’s not giving her daughter quite enough credit, but the other asks seem doable and they have a decent list already.


She decided it wasn’t for her after touring the campus (it was closed), for no good reason but she wasn’t feeling it (business major). She is actually at Clemson, which didn’t come close to offering the amount that BING did. I admit that after her last 1 1/2 years of high school were 100% online, she got some pity points. Her text from yesterday “I’m so happy I love everything” her text from Friday “had the best day on the docks ever, I love my friends” - this is constant, and she has a great tight group of HS friends as well. I’m pointing this out because there are a ton of schools that would’ve worked for her major (wants to be an actuary), but fit is important, and I think visits are so important (which was tough for the 2025’s). She put her application list without us, added as she went along, and found the perfect school for her (too far for me, not easy to get to, more isolated that she is used to, religion pretty different from her Roman Catholic background). BING checked a lot of boxes!

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People are still looking because OP has said that budget is $25k, and the typical merit aid package will get Muhlenberg down to $32k for this family, including with their employer discount. OP had said if a school wasn’t within the $25k budget that the daughter would go to Maryland, Ursinus, or (now) Miami, and two of the three she doesn’t think her daughter likes.


But are these new choices really less, other than Salisbury?

Miami is unlikely to come in at $25k. It’s possible. But improabable. It’s about $52k so take off $21k b4 employer match.

College Board doesn’t have the tuition prices by the NJ and NY publics where I haven’t done the totals yet, but the numbers below are either based on the average merit aid package or based on the specifics of OP’s daughter and a chart that was on the website (i.e. Rider). The schools in bold are the ones that definitely appear to hit the budget.

Muhlenberg is 0.4 miles $32,840

Hofstra 0.2 miles $30,917
U. of Hartford 0.3 miles $25,899
SUNY New Paltz 0.3 miles $23,605 (though only 2% got merit aid
averaging $2,750, so this would probably still be in budget regardless)
SUNY Oswego 0.4 miles $23,391
College of New Jersey 0.4 miles $27,556
which is less than Clark, which OP is also considering)
Ohio University 0.4 miles $22,039
Rider 1.1 miles $20,558
York 1.3 miles $20,463
SUNY Plattsburgh 1.8 miles
Ithaca 1.9 miles (meets with Cornell) $33,529
Ramapo 4.2 miles $20,997
Roger Williams 8.3 miles $28,692
Furman 8.4 miles $33,168 (a school that OP says they’re considering)

Edited to update with the prices of the other publics.


The Chabad that was 5 miles away was just one example as it was in the news last week. There are others closer.

The bigger the campus, the more likely it will have everything the student needs right on campus - religious groups, health center, favorite coffee. The smaller the campus, the more likely the student will have to leave campus to find something.

Both of my kids had churches right across the street from campus - never went to them.

Also, the beach was 5 miles away and my daughter never seemed to have a problem finding a way to get there (never had a car at college). Where there is a will

I agree that it is likely this student will go to UMD, but she wants to know what else is out there.

I updated post 1112 (wow, this is a long thread!) with the prices of the other publics that weren’t there before. I did not look to see if there were any scholarship charts or calculators
these are just with the average merit aid packages, and OP’s D might get more (or less) than the average at any institution.


If Elon is still in consideration, a current parent confirmed the merit scholarships can be stacked.

There are also posts in that thread about stats and merit received that may be of interest to @momsearcheng.

For example, “My daughter applied EA this year with a 3.95 unweighted, 4.98 weighted and a 1420 SAT. She was admitted with Presidential Scholarship and then applied for and was accepted into Honors Fellows program. I’m not sure if that helps you but it gives you an idea for what is needed for additional scholarships.”


I haven’t read this whole thread but McDaniel College in MD offered a test-optional applicant $30k a year in merit aid and the chance to compete for a full tuition scholarship. Looks like they have a Jewish Student Union.


Can you please explain to me why Binghamton is better than Miami of Ohio in case of DD?
My research shows that they are very comparable. Same size. Similar ranking. Probably even same cold weather.
I somehow has a feeling that students are a bit happier and relaxed at Miami. What am I missing? Binghamton is about 5 hours away. Miami is 8. So here Binghamton is a winner. Plus it is “suburban”. Anything else that I am missing? We will try to visit both and let daughter to decide based on her feeling of the campus.
We will put only one of these schools on the list (not two).
Not important, but DD public school has significant number of Jewish students (not religious) and is a school with huge number of students graduating every year (more than 500). Most students go all over the country (from FL to NY, CA, TN). However, I do not see any single student in last two years who committed to Binghamton. There are quite a few students that choose Miami of Ohio. There should be a reason given the size of Binghamton.

Miami has financial aid available. Not sure SUNYs give much in aid or merit. Inexpensive, but some people like to see that guaranteed merit.

Miami also has some sports on a bigger scale. Good ice hockey team, some NFL players went to Miami (Roethlisberger, Julian Edelman).

Thanks. That is why I was leaning to Miami - more guaranteed aid for good students. More likely happier students in general if there is more sport on campus (not that it is critical for DD). But if you have happy vibe around, it is great.

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Bing and Miami of Ohio have almost the same freshman retention rates, so I don’t know if it’s true that kids at Miami are happier and more relaxed.

Miami has a lot more Greek life. That’s either great or not great, depending on your child.

It would appear the Miami OH campus is much prettier than Bing. Bing has its charms, including a beautiful on-campus nature preserve, but it has a couple of not-lovely buildings that do the campus no favors. The circular layout of Bing’s campus means it’s never too far to walk anywhere. The dorm quality at Bing is fantastic.

I think these two schools are comparable in many ways, but I will put myself on a limb and say that I think Bing is on the way up in a way that perhaps Miami is not. NY state has been pouring money into Bing. It is very actively and successfully recruiting high caliber OOS students. Bing has a much lower acceptance rate than Miami. The average test scores are much higher at Bing (that’s a topic of debate for a different thread.)

I also suspect Bing is more rigorous than Miami. So if your child is any kind of slacker, it’s probably not the place for her. My son learned the hard way, haha. He’s now cured of his slackerism.:smile: