<p>hi im a student at smc and i plan on transferring to a UC as a junior with a gpa of 3.37 with 1 W and 1 repeat (i failed statistics but got a C the 2nd time).. i also have a few (nothing special) EC's.. i will have completed IGETC on time and my major is sociology..what would my chances of getting into UCI/UCSB/ and UCLA be considering i write a decent essay? also what if i take more classes to raise my gpa to 3.5.. how are my chances then? thanks</p>
<p>chances for ucla are very slim, highly doubt it even if you boost to a 3.5. but you have a decent shot for uci and ucsb</p>
<p>decent shot with the 3.37? or 3.5?</p>
<p>Average GPA for an admitted sociology major was 3.62. I’d say he has a shot with the 3.5, but 3.37 is low for an impacted major.</p>
<p>3.5 gives you a slim chance…</p>
<p>will I stand a good chance for sociology as well? I have a 3.75 with TAP…only sociology is my alternate major. but if i do get rejected from my first one will i stand a chance with sociology as my alternate?</p>
<p>Colleges have admission statistics on their website, and you could look at the gpas and compare. If you are above the average, then you have a higher chance of being admitted than if you were lower than the average. GPA is very important in the admissions process.</p>