<p>Hey Everyone! It seems like this has been a good year for Smith, rankings-wise. In addition to coming 17th as an LAS in US News Rankings, once again being ranked first in Princeton Review's "Dorms Like Palaces" catagory, being named as Newsweek's "Hottest Women's College" (highly ironic, considering GQ listed Smith as one of the places NOT to find Smart (and primarily beautiful) Women in its 'Where Not to Find Her" sub-article), and being located in one of the country's best college towns as designated by smartertravel.com, Smith has also been included in Washington Monthly's College Guide, designed as an alternative to U.S. News Rankings, and based on how much each college is deemed to contribute to the common good. Explanations of the ranking methodology can be found here:</p>
<p>as well as a link to the rankings themselves.</p>
<p>EDIT: whoops, mini beat me to it!</p>