SMU question, maybe a chance?

<p>So I was doing some way past last second looks at some options, and I noticed that SMU takes apps through March 15. Do they practice rolling admissions or is there a RD deadline and the rest are space-available. Doing some minor research and searching, it looks like the second option, but College Board says that Jan15 is a priority deadline and that admissions are rolling, so some clarification would be nice. Just wondering, and early answers would be greatly appreciated as time is against me. If it is the space-available situation, would I stand a chance if I applied within the next 24 hours? It is pretty stupid to pass deadlines like this but it is a situation that I never really considered and a long story that I've posted somewhere else. I'll post basic stats for those who don't want to fish for my other chance thread.</p>

<p>Male URM (Mexican), 630 CR, 720 M, 730 W, 3.95UW GPA/4.23 W, 720 Chem, 680 Math I (lolwut?), Decent enough EC's with a couple of leadership positions. If you need anything else, ask.</p>


<p>Any chance of some merit aid, or is the deadline for that definite with no exceptions?</p>

<p>Seriously, nobody? Time is reallly against me here.</p>

<p>Four bumps and no responses???</p>

<p>Last bump, if nobody answers then I’ll just apply and hope for the best.</p>