SMU, Tulane, Boston U

<p>Hi everyone...entering senior year</p>

<p>GPA: 3.80uw/4.06w; 5 APs so far, 11 by graduation
Rank: Will not be disclosed, however: 16%uw/6%w
SAT: 2120 (740v 670m 710w)
ACT: 32
AP Stats: 5
AP Euro: 5
Waiting to hear AP lit, bio, US</p>

<p>EC: (quick rundown)
Piano ten years. (9, 10, 11, 12) Passed 3 theory and 3 technique exams in 4 years of HS. State finalist for competition. Ensemble Festivals.
Track (9, 10, 11, 12) Letter 11 and most likely 12
Basketball (traveling) 9th grade (took up a lot of time) and intramurals in 10
Referee for youth basketball (10, 11, 12)
Volunteer hospital, around 100 hrs. (11, 12)
Job in fall of 11
Job in summer/fall of 12</p>

<p>Thanks ahead of time guys.</p>

<p>yeah ur good at all those schools</p>

<p>Yep...I'd have to agree. You won't have any problems with the schools you are interested in. Good luck.</p>

<p>Wow ok thanks guys. Tulane it is!</p>

<p>Tulane has been upgrading and chasing higher level students the last few years. I wouldn't assume you're in. You should have a decent shot however.</p>

<p>Tulane WILL give you a full ride, the downside, new orleans is gross as heck.</p>

<p>why do u wanna go to SMU? i'd chose UT or UTD over SMU anyday</p>

<p>I dunno I just liked SMUs campus better</p>

<p>I doubt Tulane will give me a full ride...?</p>

<p>Other opinions lol?</p>

<p>the biggest downside i could think to SMU would be that the nightlife in dallas... well, sucks. i've been searching valiantly for it for years - no luck. unless the itsy bitsy strip of deep ellum is your scene, then all power to ya! (you're almost guaranteed in, btw with your stats)</p>

<p>my friend has simlar stats and got offered a full ride before she even went there.....they give a lot of full rides because no one wants to go to new orleans that has been there before</p>

<p>I guess i really don't like SMU cause of the whole hypocritcal christian scene....i've gone to high school in a dallas suburb with people like that ending up at SMU or TCU</p>


<p>Have you thought about Trinity University in San Antonio? Just a thought.</p>

<p>Yes I have, but I really don't like San Antonio. I dunno, gives me a weird feeling.</p>

<p>and girlfriend...why dont you like new orleans? i've been there on many occasions and I really like it...</p>


SMU has no christian scene to speak of. It has the same amenities for christians as any campus, and no more. You obviously have never been on the campus and shouldn't be commenting on it. The SMU student body is just like any other expensive private school. It does have a theology school, which no undergrad has ever set foot in. It's completely away from the academic campus. The Methodist church has nothing to do with the academic school.</p>

<p>girlfriend, assuming that new orleans is someone's scene, under what circumstances did your friend get that full ride? -mouth drooling-</p>

<p>did she ask for fin aid first or did they just offer it based on merit? full rides anywhere aren't that bad of a deal</p>