<p>@kp217: Going to UTD isn’t considered “dumb”. Read on to discover why.</p>
<p>@lonelyloser: I understand your decision. My main problem when it came to picking which university was money. It was almost more important than the college itself - I literally had NADA for college and was depending on scholarships - high school was stressful, lol.</p>
<p>UTD gave me the full ride first and I had it pretty much planned out that I’d wind up going there. No questions asked, SMU was out of my mind. THEN they offered their own full ride + interview and then I changed my mind.</p>
<p>The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t really matter which university you go to if you plan on going to grad school later anyway. Think about it: when you become a doctor, no one’s going to ask you where you went for your undergrad. And since med school could wind up costing $200,000, go for the less expensive undergrad, kick butt, and get into med school.</p>
<p>UTD has a great pre med program - absolutely no doubt about it and there is no point in arguing about it either. But SMU is doing a great job hyping theirs up as well. SMU is trying to make all of their departments just as “big” as their business school, and it’s working. SMU has the money for the many programs associated with pre med, they prepare their students well and it SMU does have that prestige that UTD slightly lacks which is great for intern opportunities.</p>
<p>Let me pause there and talk about jobs/internships that are pre med related: Because of SMU’s name, it’s SUPER helpful. A friend of mind (a FRESHMAN by the way) is spending this summer researching at HARVARD. Obviously his grades were a factor but the point is that it’s possible to get great opportunities here at SMU. Another one is doing virology research, another friend is doing biomed - ALL FRESHMEN. SMU is getting something right.</p>
<p>Also, SMU has a 70-80% med school acceptance rate. UTD’s might be a bit higher (I don’t remember the numbers, my bad) but either way, these are pretty convincing percentages.</p>
<p>But think long term as well: SMU ain’t cheap - actually, it’s just plain ridiculous in my opinion. I’m only here because of the full ride. I probably wouldn’t go even if they gave me 50%. It’s just too much. I’m not sure how much you’re willing to pay, how big of a problem money is to you so financial matters are really all up to you. Also check out this website:</p>
<p>[Prospective</a> Medical Students](<a href=“http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/utsw/cda/dept20676/files/397484.html]Prospective”>http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/utsw/cda/dept20676/files/397484.html)</p>
<p>This is UT Southwestern’s entering class profile. And if you scroll down, you’ll notice that SMU and UTD students were both represented equally. This is actually where I want to go (the cost is about $60,000 for all four years for Texas students. And it’s number 20 in the country. Sounds like my kind of school).</p>
<p>So money wise, UTD is a nice choice. But both schools prepare their students just as well.</p>
<p>The only downside to UTD might be the social/college life. People seem to say it’s lacking. Obviously, I wouldn’t know since I don’t go to UTD. I’d go to a UTD forum and see what they say. Or find someone who goes there now and ask his/her honest opinion. But SMU has a great campus life - lots of great events and as for transportation, I wind up hitching rides with friends. Out of campus, I really only spend money on frozen yogurt, the local Mexican restaurant (Diggs), 7-11 (midnight coffee) and, of course, weekend outings to restaurants, and other…college-y stuff.
Except for weekends, I hardly leave campus and overall, the campus is GORGEOUS. It’s also a relatively small school and whenever I leave the dorm, I’m bound to bump into multiple people I know each and every time. </p>
<p>The downside of SMU? I’m not going to lie - this place is expensive and there are a LOT of kids who fit the “Highland Park, I’m so rich, daddy bought me a BMW, derp I have no brain” stereotype. No joke, and yes, it ****es me off. But honestly, it depends on who you choose to hang around. And if you’re in the pre med program and a serious student, you’ll find each people. Maybe I’m being condescending but I don’t care. But here’s a personal example:</p>
<p>The Dalai Lama is coming to campus and tickets to see his speech/presentation went on sale a few days ago. Tickets sold out (I didn’t get any…sad day) and the line wrapped around one of the buildings. A student comes by and asks what the line was for and we told her we wanted to see the Dalai Lama. The student made a funny “derp/I think i’m cute” face and said, “Haha, I don’t know who that is.”</p>
<p>Maybe it’s not a big deal to not know who the Dalai Lama is but I was a little surprised. Whatever.</p>
<p>Let me end with this: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH GOING TO UTD. UTD is a great school and if money is an issue AT ALL, I’d honestly dump SMU. No undergrad is worth $200k. Especially if you plan on going to med school later. If you’ve got the money, go for it. And you have a good number of scholarships so if you want to pay the little remaining, go for it. It’s all up to you. I hope i was helpful and sorry that this was such a long message. I understand your struggle and I want to give the best answer/assistance that I can.</p>
<p>Good luck! Feel free to ask any other specific questions!</p>