Snotty Rich Kids

<p>being poor is fun guys. its a lot better than being rich.</p>

<p>That's refreshing to hear. :)</p>

[sympathy=on] That's refreshing to hear. :) [sympathy=off]


<p>what a snobby asian! jk</p>

<p>seriously though, i hate it when people act differently towards me because i come from a different background. i see people treat mad cool old people like they are just senile fools that need to be helped with everything by talking to them like they are a little kid. that's part of the reason why people self-segregate. people won't talk to you like you're one of them outright and start inserting "no offense" into everything they say that remotely regards you.</p>

<p>i hate princeton.</p>

<p>no offense.</p>

<p>I'm a snobby Asian?
I by no means am rich and I went to a "ghetto" middle school. I've seen my share of poor kids and I don't pity them the way you make it sound like i do.</p>

<p> do you really agree that being poor is a lot better than being rich?</p>

<p>Being rich is definitely better than being poor, that's just obvious in terms of financial freedom, but carrying the stereotypical connotation isn't better and you still have to understand what it is you have, as corny as that sounds</p>

<p>I may not have what I want, but I have what I need, thats all that matters to me. </p>

<p>I'm happy with what I have to be happy with.</p>

<p>/ cliches</p>

<p>today is thanksgiving, we all have something to be thankful for..even our wretched existences. lets be thankful that our moms didn't abort us and for the chance to at least acknowledge that our life is bad. let's be thankful. choose life.</p>

<p>Well idk bout you but I'm thankful for my girlfriend... I don't see her much in person so gotta be thankful she's at least able to come visit, no?

<p>I'm thankful I have Marvin Harrison on my fantasy</p>

<p>Seriously though, I'm thankful for a lot of things. like my health and dorky stuff like that.</p>

<p>haha, that's def. not dorky. look at richie reeve, God bless his soul. legendofmax, are you in a long term relationship?</p>



<p><strong><em>dies laughing</em></strong>*</p>

<p>I am thankful for so many things.... not the least meeting all of you on the CC boards! I hope God (or whomever you believe in) grants you and your families all another year of health and happiness.</p>

<p>I'll join you in that laughter, lisae (I think I'll start calling you this, mm'k?). And thanks. I hope He/She/It/Bob/Any Other Pronoun does the same for you and your family as well.</p>

<p><em>giggles not-so-secretively</em></p>

<p>i dont think he/she meant to come off snotty, gracilisae</p>

<p>I'm what I consider to be well-off here in Greece. But in USA I'm going to be on the poor side... So I have the best of both worlds :-P</p>

<p>Same here Randomgr ;)</p>

<p>well if we consider USA to be the richest country in the world, that's most international applicants in the nationally well-off area</p>

<p>Also, my three teens are usually decked out in Abercrombie, BUT......they only get Abercrombie once it's been marked down to about $7.00 a shirt. they NEVER get anything at regular price. I walk out of Macy's with bags of clothing when it comes off of the 75% rack.....or it comes from Marshalls (a discount store). So....if you saw my kids and didn't know them, you would probably think that they spent alot of bucks on clothing. Not true.</p>