<p>Hopefully a well-timed question: Does Cornell ever have snow days where classes are cancelled?</p>
<p>There was a snow day a couple of years ago on Valentine’s Day. I think it was the first time in around 14 years that classes were cancelled. Classes, even on that day, weren’t cancelled until the afternoon. I saw people going to class in the morning on skis. Must’ve been premeds.</p>
<p>I mean Cornell doesn’t even give us days off on the days we’re supposed to have off like Labor Day or Veteran’s Day.</p>
<p>It hardly ever snows in New York anymore. Winters suck now. No snow, just single-digit temperatures…</p>
<p>There are a lot of snow days in NY State, even in Syracuse and Binghampton. IC and Ithaca Public Schools even have snow days, it’s just that Cornell doesn’t. Sorry dude you missed ur chance 2 years ago on Valentine’s Day…possibly the best day of my life! You can Youtube the epic day, and I believe people wrote articles on it…it was that serious.</p>
<p>If it gets a little too cold or a little too snowy for my threshold, I make it my own personal snow day.</p>
<p>I’m from LI, we never get any significant snowfall (partly because we are surround by WATER). Snow days are a distant memory for me.</p>
<p>I met with the Cornell Equestrian coach (soo nice) and he said that Ithaca is below the snowbelt (If you are familiar with NY geography this is referring to the Syracuse area) so we’ll miss out on the snow, but not the cold. Its a shame, I actually like the snow (fyi, this is my first winter driving, so that is very likely to change)</p>
<p>^ whoa, what kind of LI are you from? I always get snow</p>
<p>Dude, sure you got the right island? I’m from here also and no snow! I’m from the north shore…it was so cold today! 18 degrees in the morning, but really windy so it felt colder…but it warmed up to the twenties later so it was all good. We got a little bit of snow over the weekend, but it was like 1/2 an inch and all gone in a day. </p>
<p>I want a real storm, a blizzard. 4 inches of snow at least! But not till classes are over, cause I have to commute lol.</p>
<p>Dude, this looks like so much fun!</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - Snow Day](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE-Gu3-DjT0]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE-Gu3-DjT0)</p>
<p>yea it was…too bad u missed it. <em>smh</em></p>
<p>Four inches isn’t uncommon in snowy areas of upstate New York, but Cornell unfortunately doesn’t really get much lake effect snow. And speaking of blizzards, does anyone remember the blizzard of 1993? It snowed almost four feet where I lived.</p>
<p>Haha, yeah, Turtle, im from the North Shore. Nassau County. Is always so saddening watching News 12 on snow days and seeing that Suffolk’s projection is like 6-7in, while were still in the pink (or whatever color * NOTHING * is) with like 1-3 inches at best</p>
<p>Oh man…it was great. I was living in a suburb of Binghamton…I think we got 5 feet of snow…it was awesome.</p>
<p>But the Cornell Snow Day was amazing…such a fantastic day.</p>
<p>Remember it? Haha I was like 2. I actually can’t remember a serious blizzard; when I was a kid, 5 inches was a serious blizzard lol. Sadly, my childhood was ruined by global warming…</p>
<p>Cornell is way lacking in snow. I am quite disappointed.</p>
<p>blizzard of 93 was NOT lacking in snow. got myself some epic pics of itty bitty faustarp up on the snowbanks. it’s cute.</p>
<p>Well, I’m from Suffolk so maybe it has something to do with it? But still, we def do get at least some snow every year</p>
<p>i thought this winter was supposed to be the worst in years? i guess the best is yet to come >_></p>
<p>also i was a freshman during the valentine’s snow day…what happened was that cornell didnt expect snow that day and so the snow plows/de-icing crew wasnt called in that morning until it was too late…</p>
Updating this old thread, since the subject just came up. Valentine’s Day 2007 is still reported, so far as I see, as the last time Cornell had a “snow day”. Yet, as noted above, it was really only a half day. Classes weren’t canceled till 12:30pm.
More recently, it looks like about once every two years or so they’ve called a late start day, where the very earliest classes were canceled and regular class schedules resumed at 10:10am, or 11:15am.
Since I’m sure you were all wondering, the first Cornell snow day ever was in March, 1971, allegedly.
Re #8, I should mention that, though there are not all that many trees on Libe Slope, the way sledders/trayers manage to find them you’d think they were magnetized or something. Do not become one of those people.