So annoyed with honors classes..

<p>Does anyone ever feel they were forced to take harder classes against thier will? I mean I'm good with Ap Euro and AP World but I honestly suck at math and I such at chemistry yet I'm stuck in thoes classes. It's really annoying because I work so hard at honors algebra 2 and i only make a D. And Chemistry was fine but now my grade just dropped to a F. But.. They won't let me change out of them. Does having honors really give me better chances if it makes just an average student?</p>

<p>I take it you’re not in AP English? </p>

<p>I highly doubt you were forced to take honors/ap classes against your will. To get into an AP/Honors class at my school, the student has to show interest and strong ability in the subject. It is up to the student to complete the AP Application…</p>

<p>I was forced. They made me do it. They said “Bring out potential yada yada…” We don’t even have AP Applications at my school. I don’t mind my AP Classes at all. I love thoes. Its the whole math and sceince honors classes i have issues in. ANd ha ha no I’m not in AP English… Sorry. There was a lot of typos in that. I forget to go back and proofread things…My grammar and spelling really sucks. I would have never willing taken Honors Algebra 2 or honors chemistry.</p>

<p>Sounds like they simply encouraged you to take it. What are the requirements for being able to take academic then? I’m not really sure I understand your school’s system.</p>

<p>THere are no requirements. My teacher was like You are going to take this this and this. and then Now im stuck taking them.</p>

<p>^that’s weird…i’m pretty sure they can’t do that. well, talk to your counselor if its too hard. they might be able to do something.</p>

<p>They can and they did. And Okay. I will try that tomorrow.</p>

<p>Get the parents involved - especially if your grades are suffering to that extent. Schools tend hide under rocks when an angry parent comes into the picture. </p>

<p>Or look into getting a tutor or some one-on-one help with the teacher(s).</p>

<p>I stay for tutoring every tuesday and thursday. Its not working very much. And it’s not like my parents care or know the differnce. All they know is that i’m not doing great in thoes two classes and thats all they care. They won’t listen.</p>

<p>Yeah from what you’re telling me it looks like your teachers were suggesting or encouraging you to take honors classes but making it seem like you were required to. I agree, take it to your counselor and get your parents involved.</p>

<p>If you’re making Ds and Fs in honors then it’s clearly not right for you. Schools are supposed to be flexible so that you can take AP/honors in your strength areas and regular in your weaker areas…obviously your school is prohibiting you from doing that.</p>

<p>Hope you get it resolved.</p>

<p>THanks. I wish someone would have told me that eailer whole take AP/Honorsi n the classes I’m good at, last year. Would have saved lots of stress and probaly made my GPA higher.</p>