So apparently Nick Saban and the Crimson Tide saved the world

<p>[BCS</a> National Championship: Mayan Prophecy Reveals the Last Champion, LSU? - And The Valley Shook](<a href=“BCS National Championship: Mayan Prophecy Reveals the Last Champion, LSU? - And The Valley Shook”></p>

<p>According to this article, one of the prophecies the Mayans foretold along with their “2012 Doomsday” prophecy was of a tiger wearing a purple robe and a gold crown being attacked by a red elephant, letting the elephant win comfortably so that it was lulled into a false sense of security, and then coming back at the last second to beat the red elephant.</p>

<p>Of course, anyone who knows anything about college football knows that this didn’t happen. Alabama won 21-0 in the BCS National Championship on Monday and for good measure, our basketball team beat LSU’s basketball team 69-53 about an hour ago here in Tuscaloosa, which means we broke the Mayan prophecy. Which means that the Mayans are officially wrong and we broke all their other prophecies by proxy.</p>

<p>Which means that, at least by this LSU fan’s logic, the Crimson Tide just saved the world.</p>

<p>Can I get a “Roll Tide”? :D</p>


<p>Roll Tide! and all’s right with the world! </p>



<p>roll tide roll!!!</p>

<p>A big LOL followed by Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Well…there ya go.</p>

<p>Odd story…</p>

<p>When I flew to Calif last week, I sat next to a young lady who is Nick Saban’s Goddaughter. Very sweet young lady and huge Bama fan.</p>