So, are you one of those shy people?

<p><a href="It's%20a%20bit%20long,%20so%20scroll%20to%20the%20bolded%20part%20and%20answer%20directly%20if%20you%20don't%20want%20to%20read%20it.%20It's%20only%20mildly%20epic%20so%20it's%20probably%20useless%20to%20read%20the%20rest">I</a>.*</p>

<p>Well, today in English I had an incident that inspired me to post this. This girl that I never knew existed in life, got called on by the teacher for answers to the questions and she couldn't answer properly, took her 3 tries while putting her head down and murmuring something (probably the answer) in a ultra-quiet voice. Everyone got bored, and more like, it was painful to watch...</p>

<p>the teacher (hardcore one that gave me lunch detention for a week due to my epicness) starts yelling, and it got pretty sad, I think she was just about to cry when the bell rang.</p>

<p>So yeah, how would you rank your shyness from 1-10, 1 being not shy at all to 10 being incredibly, awkwardly shy? And if you're shy or not, do you think that it's a result of environmental factors or a simply innate characteristic?</p>

<p>I'm at around a 8 now, I believe. I used to be really shy in elementary and Middle School years, was never the popular one (that's because I gamed too much, lmao), and I think I was pretty much innately introverted or something like that. I think I had a tendency to be shy and not as expressive as others.</p>

<p>Then high school came, started getting fit, hung out more with friends, started to talk with more people, and etc, and my shyness gradually dissipated. I'm still somewhat introverted, but mostly an extrovert now and not as shy as before. I think I (unconsciously) definitely put on the facade of not being shy at all, so most people who know me think I'm never ever shy/nervous (I have the baller facade). </p>

<p>Sometimes I wonder how people can be that shy. It's amusing and somewhat pitiful, hopefully it gets better...</p>

<p>I’d give myself an 8. I normally introduce myself to others first, and I can be quite talkative at times…</p>

<p>I’d give myself 8. I’m not shy at all around people, but I never usually participate in class discussions. I think this is stems from years of sitting in the back of the class before and dozing off, not paying attention to what was going on.</p>

<p>I’m a 4. I’m not shy, but I always act nonchalant/don’t care at school (tired of high school). Therefore, I don’t “attempt” to talk to people I don’t know. If they introduce themselves first, I’m all for chatting.</p>

<p>As for class, I participate in class discussions as long as there are participation points at stake. If there aren’t, I doze off.</p>

<p>Wait… am I understanding the scale right? 8 would be very shy. You don’t seem like 8s from your descriptions. </p>

<p>I’d be a 5. I’m very assertive but also very self conscious, and I think that would even out. ?</p>


Oh damn. </p>


<p>You’re correct, I got mixed up in my scale + description. (And others, following my descriptions, have gotten it mixed up also, LOL).</p>

<p>You sir, are a genius. Thank you, I can’t even edit my post now, but I’d actually be a </p>

<p>2. Ah, damn. </p>

<p>Seriously, you pwn. I owe you all 30 of my pokemons + cookies the next time I see you. This is a promise of a lifetime; I swear on my level 100 pikachu that I’ve been furnishing for 10 years.</p>

<p>(So guys, ONE/1 is LEAST SHY and 10/TEN is MOST SHY.)</p>

<p>You just pwn with sarcasm.</p>

<p>There’s not a trace of sarcasm in 99% of my posts, let alone the one above. Anyone who decently knows me is fully aware of my unconditional love that I have for pokemon, especially pikachu since Yellow version was the first I’ve ever played.</p>

<p>Thus, if I say I’m swearing on my pikachu, it’s a pretty big deal. So Kechira is awesome.</p>

<p>I used to have a huge collection of pokemon cards,a pokemon handbook with all of the 100 + names of the pokemon out there, a poke-index ( you know, that red thing), some various pokemon t-shirts and merchandise. But now they’re all gone!! :frowning: Those were the good days.</p>

<p>Pokemon is great, the games are well designed; looking forward to a Gold and Silver remake on the DS. I collected cards back in elementary school, and I flipped out when I got a charizard in a pack. Those were the days.</p>

<p>Now back to the thread topic…?</p>

<p>7 .</p>

<p>I’d give myself a 2-3.
I’m not shy around other people.
If I make enemies, whatever, they were lame in the first place…</p>

<p>Man, I feel bad for that girl. I was bullied and ostracized for about the entirety of my elementary and middle school experience. Ate lunch by myself every day and went for days without speaking. Eventually I just fell silent.</p>

<p>2 or 8, whichever’s on the shy side of the scale.</p>

<p>I’m probably a 3-5 lol depending on how comfortable I feel at the moment</p>

<p>I’m about a 7. I am super shy if I’m around people I don’t know, and haven’t met before, and I’m only really comfortable around my friends. I still answer questions in class and everything though, for some strange reason. I do get that annoying teacher yelling at me to talk louder thing the OP referred to: that happens to me a lot.</p>

<p>I’m a 7 or 8. I’m really shy and quiet unless I’m with friends, though I do answer questions in class sometimes.</p>

<p>I’d say a 7 or 8. Once I get to know people, I’m irritatingly talkative, but in a new situation, I can barely open my mouth.</p>

<li>I’m that THAT shy at all; only if i’m in a very awkward situation or just can’t stand the people that have gathered around me at a specific point in time.</li>

<p>That’s horrible of your teacher to yell at her like that. Some people are just innately really shy (not their fault) and maybe have low self-esteem too, so it really scars a shy person if you embarrass them, especially in front of their peers whom they want to gain acceptance from.</p>