So as not to hijack - housing deposit October 1 - big difference between noon at 3:00

<p>Is it <em>really</em> going to matter if I register ds for housing at noon tomorrow (October 1) or if he waits until he gets home from school tomorrow to do it?</p>

<p>I asked on another thread, but it was a bit of a hijack. All advice welcome. If it matters, ds will be in the Honors College and is NMSF and should make NMF.</p>

<p>Thanks for any insights.</p>

<p>I’m waiting until Friday, so I’m curious to see how much timing matters.</p>

<p>i would say it probably won’t make a big difference, but if you are available to do it when it opens, why not go ahead and do it?</p>

<p>I will be registering DD right when it opens. No reason to wait in my opinion!</p>

<p>It makes a HUGE difference.</p>

<p>I waited to pay until the first day but after work last year, and DD got the second slot.</p>

<p>This resulted in no suites in her first choice dorm, and three floors full in her second choice. It was a LOT of flexibility to lose for a couple of hours of “postmark”</p>

<p>If you are going to deposit, DO IT THE MINUTE IT OPENS. REALLY.</p>

<p>Last year, I was an early-early deposit person. DS is not honors, and I wanted him to have “the best of the rest.” </p>

<p>It worked out for us, but again, DS is not honors. When our room selection window opened in April, we had our choice and he’s in Riverside West today, right across from Lakeside Dining.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, a few hours after we had our room secured, I logged back in and found that all the suite-style dorms still had space. </p>

<p>Another thing to consider: Even though we didn’t plan to “pull in” roommates, a last-minute decider high school friend (just a casual friend, not a BFF) really needed help getting into Riverside, and we were able and glad to help.</p>

<p>I guess I’ll agree with others and say that early deposit gives a family more options, but it’s probably not a big deal unless you have special needs, like a bunch of roommates already lined up.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>A three hour delay in paying deposit should not make a difference for OP.</p>

<p>I was sitting at the computer waiting for deposit time to open. Made the deposit within the first 5 minutes. DD was in the 4th time spot for Day 1. Her roommate was in the 3rd time spot for Day 1. They both wanted a lower floor in Tutwiler for various reasons (1. air conditioning 2. not having to deal with the elevator). They had 6 other friends all wanting Tut that had later time slots. The 3 with the earliest slots each picked a room and pulled in one of the others then they all swapped to be with the roommates they wanted. On Day 2 the lowest floor available in Tutwiler was the 8th. </p>

<p>Basically, in our case it did pay to make that deposit right away. She was wanting to do it herself but was glad I did it while she was at school. If you are wanting the 6th floor or lower in Tutwiler, you better be ready to make that deposit as soon as the window opens.</p>

<p>hopefully her DS is not wanting tutweiler! well, he may WANT it, but he’ll never GET it.</p>

<p>LOL!!! Maybe someday her son will be the reason the girls of Tut will hear, “MALE IN THE HALLS! Make sure you are dressed”</p>

<p>Just letting those that may have daughters that are looking at Tut that to get the lower floors, you gotta act fast.</p>

<p>If you want a specific dorm, or an empty suite so you can pull roommates in, deposit at the first possible minute.</p>

<p>We had a thread going during the room selection slots, And it was shocking how fast things were gone.</p>

<p>We made our deposit on the last day that allowed early housing selection and my daughter ended up with the last slot.</p>

<p>When she logged in there was almost nothing left in the honors dorms. Essentially, the only open rooms were all the rooms with FA (Freshman Assistant) or RA (Resident Assistant) as a suite-mate. Apparently no one wanted these. My daughter selected a room with the FA as her suite-mate. I think this was the best thing that could have happened.</p>

<p>The FA’s job is to be a resource to freshman on their floor for just about everything. They do not have rules enforcement as part of the responsibility. They organize activities and help get students involved in things.</p>

<p>Judging by my daughter’s FA suite-mate I assume they select outgoing and friendly students for this job. She is great.</p>

<p>Just something to have your future student keep in mind. I think the FA suite should be a first choice rather than a last choice.</p>

<p>This should be just the first time a Bama student deals with immediate signup the minute things open. Get used to it. Registering for classes, buying football tickets, etc. requires immediacy or you miss out. This is not a time for the laid back southern attitude. You want to be the aggressive Yankee.</p>

<p>Chardo, such is life and true for all things nowadays. The old motto of “snooze you loose” has really become a way of life now everywhere. Be it college applications, registering for classes, deposits of all kinds (housing even not ON campus is a HUGE “snooze you loose”), job opportunities, internships, etc. The housing thing is not unique to UA as I have friends at many schools and they start early looking for the next year as well.</p>

<p>Proceed to new thread:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>No wonder this forum flourishes: Flow Charts!!! ^^^</p>

<p>So, if I wait until Friday, can I still probably get an honors dorm?</p>

<p>Probably being conditional…a random room in an Honors dorm? Probably…no guarantees</p>

<p>As long as I can get a dorm in honors I’ll be fine.</p>