So because our letters did not come on Saturday and werent priority WHAT does it mean

<p>So because our letters did not come on Saturday and werent priority? does that mean we are deferred since; deferral letters come by first class(5-6 days) I AM SO CONFUSED HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS BETTER</p>

<p>Just because your letter did not come Saturday does NOT mean it was not priority.</p>

<p>huh? I thought everything was sent priority mail.
Shows how much I know.</p>

<p>hmmm im confused about this too.... i live in NY and i didn't get a letter.... i feel like so many people have been accepted ... and a friend of mine claims that all accepted people on the east coast have received their letters but only a few differed/ rejected people have. I really don't want to believe this and i want to think that its he holiday season and even priority mail can be slow... but what hope can i realistically have?</p>

<p>lmao I don't know.
But I think I've been DEFERRED.
I've never been rejected [deferred] in my life.
This is the first time.
But I still feel as conceited as ever, so yay for me and my big ego.</p>

<p>i wish i could take the decision as coolly as you did..</p>

<p>Try having Narcissistic Personality Disorder and you'll be fine.</p>

<p>I don't know if this will help calm you,</p>

<p>but Priority mail takes 2 to 3 days (see for yourself on the usps website),
therefore, if they sent it out on friday, it's quite possible for an acceptance envelope to arrive Monday.</p>

<p>I'm just gonna go repeat that over and over to myself now.</p>

<p>I went on USPS and entered the info and it said it would take 2 days for a large priority package (8 oz. envelope) and also for a 1 oz. 1st class letter
I have not received anything yet, but i'm hoping that the mail is just delayed
According to USPS, when priority mail is predicted to come in 2 days, it is on time 93% of the time, and when 1st class is predicted to come in 2 days, it is on time 92% of the time
So i guess just hope that the mail is slow, or that Princeton mailed them late or they got to your post office too late to be delivered</p>

<p>I know someone now at Princeton whose Princeton RD priority mail acceptance was the last of all acceptances to arrive - and it offered the best finaid. It came as a pleasant surprise after they'd given up on Princeton</p>

<p>this is really off topic, but the Zuma- my mom is obsessed with that game</p>

<p>hehe Well good luck to you all!
I hope that you all are right!</p>

<p>Relax, guys. When you get your letter doesn't mean anything. Two years ago, most of NJ got their decisions on a Saturday. The three other people from my school recieved theirs - two deferrals and an acceptance. The accepted student lived three doors away from me. When I didn't get anything, I thought I must have been deferred, but I got the big package that Monday. So there's absolutely no correlation.</p>

<p>we're princeton ED kids--i think relax is relax is a foreign concept to most of us
I know that its only rational to relax in this situation and not to worry-i'm just so nervous</p>

<p>haha reee-lacks? I am not familiar with any such word ;]</p>

<p>For the past few weeks, I've been over Princeton.
Now I'm freaking out over Wellesley.
And I haven't even sent in my application to them yet. lol</p>

<p>Hopeful89, did you mean "name" instead of "game"?</p>

<p>there is this game called zuma that my mom always plays</p>

<p>have we then finally come to the conclusion that it's just as probable to get an acceptance package tomorrow?
b/c I am in a complete state of anxiety right now...
I really did not want to figure out my admission decision through deductive reasoning about usps's schedule</p>


<p>Same question from applicant lindselujh (now Harvard sophomore) in ‘04:
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
My response:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>wat about canadians? should i consider myself an int'l with respect to the UPS business or on the same level as americans? i know theres that one canadian who already got his package, but does his acceptance case apply to all canadians?</p>