Ok, here’s an example to show what I mean:
Let’s say that someone scores a 1500 on the new SAT with essay -
720 Math
780 Reading/Writing
8/8/8 on essay
Now let’s say that the person wants to increase his SAT score, so he takes the SAT without essay (since he’s already achieved a perfect score on the essay).
He scores a 1530:
760 Math
770 Reading/Writing
Will universities superscore his SAT score to be 1540 (780 Reading/Writing + 760 Math), even though one of the tests included the essay, and one did not?
Also, let’s say you achieve a perfect score on your SAT essay, but want to increase your Reading/Writing and Math scores (the one out of 1600). Is there any point in taking the SAT with essay, or can you just take the SAT without essay in hopes of increasing the score out of 1600? Will colleges still see your 8/8/8 essay score, and receive your essay as a writing sample?
Thanks! Any and all help are appreciated…I’m clueless! 
You need to check with each school individually. Some schools will not even consider an SAT if it is taken without the essay.
Thank you!
Does anyone know as a general rule (although I’m aware that this may vary between schools) if the highest essay scores are considered by universities that superscore?
For example, if one gets a 720, 780, 8/8/8
on his first SAT, and gets a 760, 770, 7/7/7 the second time, will their superscore be 760, 780, 8/8/8? I know that this may vary between schools and that I may need to contact their individual admissions offices, as @londondad mentioned; however, I’m just wondering if anyone is familiar with how this would generally work, or with the practices of some universities.
It’s just confusing to me because I’m not sure if the essay score is considered a section score – it’s not factored into the R/W and M scores, so it doesn’t seem like it is a section score…as a result, I’m curious as to how the essay score would affect superscoring 
@AmarAccount The decision to super score test scores is an individual choice by the colleges. If you look it up online, there are lists of schools that do. I have seen a trend of some colleges that super score the SAT but not the ACT.
Super scoring is just taking the highest scores in each section from multiple test dates. Essay score is not factored in, but is simply a way for colleges to know how you can write. So a total score of 20 or higher should be sufficient to any high level college admission officer. Also, colleges know that writing a rhetorical essay may not always be relevant information (unless of course, your major requires rhetorical skills)
@ZealousScholar Thank you very much! You’ve cleared it up for me. 
The guidance counseling situation at my school is not the best, and so some of my friends have been told by their counselors that the SAT essay is superscored, while others (like me) have been told either to “look on Google” (verbatim what my counselor told me! :() or to take SAT without essay once a perfect score has been achieved on the essay.
Your and @londondad’s comments have helped a lot! Thank you!