So.. Courses at Andover

<p>If you're planning to go to Andover this Fall, what courses are you planning to take at your stay at Andover?</p>

<p>What courses are you going to take Tiger? For 9th graders there is not much wiggling room anyway. English and History are set; wherever you are placed for Math and World Language you will be in those classes; Science has a little flexibility depending on your math placement; and the 6th course should be an art/music/PE. But I am curious if any incoming 9th grader has some creative ideas. Would you skip Science the first year, or postpone the art/PE requirement for later, for example?</p>

<p>My recommendation is to get the requirements out of the way first. After the first two years your schedule opens up quite a bit, and you don’t want to be stuck taking requirements instead of the classes that really interest you. There are a lot of great courses, but you have to wait before you can take them.</p>

<p>Thank you, sugerkim. Just sent you a PM.</p>

<p>I want to take college physics, calc, AP chem, cellulr bio, and Macroeconomics for my sophmore year. If they wont let me take advanced courses then I’d just do the classes to finish my requirements just as sugerkim said asap. Once i do that I’ll take the classes I want to (:</p>

<p>Holy crap… You’re quite the slouch, then?</p>

<p>I’m going to be an Upper and I only really see myself taking Accelerated Precalculus, AP Chem, AP French 500, New Upper English, and US History for which I would also take the AP…</p>

<p>So I’d assume that by the time you’re an Upper, you’d basically already be set for college, haha… I mean, why not just go now?</p>

<p>TIGER - I don’t think they will let you take that schedule. Econ is only open to seniors fall term because it is a high demand class. I would take your history or art requirement instead. You also have too many natural science classes. They only allow you to take two classes from one department at a time. I’d add in your language if you haven’t completed that.</p>

<p>Okay, so I’ll be coming in as a lower.</p>


<p>English 200
History 200, Views of Human Nature or Etymology, Physical Education
Latin 300 or Chinese 100
Math 320
Chemistry 300 (I’ve taken the equivalent of Physics 380 this semester)</p>

<p>And Tiger, what previous math and science experience have you had? Are you a mth and science person in general?</p>

<p>I thought History 200 was a year long course. No? I find it confusing in the course catalog.</p>

<p>It says (f-w-s) rather than “a yearlong commitment”, and is included in the elective section so I’m assuming it is. It’s a full year every other year.</p>

<p>I am looking at the online version of the course catalog, and I don’t see “f-w-s”. "It’s a full year every other year. " really? didn’t even know the same couse could be a yearlong in one year and a trimester for another.</p>

<p>No, sorry I was unclear. History 100 is a year, and a lot of history electives for U/S’s are full years.</p>

<p>I do see differences in the course catalogues from this year and last year but not that drastic. However, in my non-online catalog it says (f-w-s).</p>

<p>Yeah I need some counseling for my schedule because if i were to continue my public education here at my school, next year, I would have the possiblity of choosing AP Bio, AP Enviro, AP Chem, or AP physics, Ap euro and Ap honors euro lit. I want to take the equivalant of my courses here at my public school at Andover or even better. As for math, I’ve read the things we learn in precalc and I’ve visited the class on my revisit. Its the same concepts I’m learning right now because they skip from geometry to precalc. Here we go geometry, algebra 2, then precalc. Precalc is where we learn trig and vectors and little bit about conics. I’d still have to talk to the admissions counsel yet the placement test looks rather easy. </p>

<p>btw is language an elective? Here at my school it is. and I also dont know the requirements for the humanities. </p>

<p>Also for history I dont think i need another year of U.S. history because I already took 2 years of it in middle school - highschool. Hm, sugerkim I think I’ll get my requirements out of the way and just focus on the economics stuff in junior and senior years</p>

<p>And Tom, well next year is like an upper year with the restrictions of a lower year. I’m a repeat…</p>

<p>Ah a repeat! I was wondering how you were so advanced in French!</p>


<p>I’m coming in as a junior so mine are pretty standard-
English 100
History 100
French accelerated 200 (my current teacher recommended this)
And either Art or Music</p>

<p>All of the Andover students I’ve talked to suggested taking as many classes as possible your junior year.</p>

<p>Can you take more than 5 as a lower?
English, Math, Science, Latin, Elective (History and Physical Education and one trimester of something else.)
Could I potentially take another elective?</p>

<p>up to how many courses can we take? (academic courses)</p>