So depressed over my math grade....Able to recuperate?

<p>I'm in college but I'll post it here lol</p>

<p>Ok so we've had 2 tests far in the class and I'm really *<strong><em>ed off b/c I've gone into both of them confident and left confident that I got at least a 95% on both of them. Well I made some careless mistakes on both of them and I ended up with an 87% and 84% respectively. I'm furious because my math teacher is a *</em></strong>ing idiot and thinks it's appropriate to dock 2% off your test every time you make a simple mistake, even though it's evident I know how to do the problem.</p>

<p>So we have maybe 2-3 tests left. Tests are worth 40% of our grade. We have HW and classwork which are worth 10% each. My CW grade is horrid because I usually BS it all but he actually grades it sadly, so it's probably around 80%. My HW grade is probably around an 86 or 87%.</p>

<p>My teacher considers 89%+ an A.</p>

<p>Do you think if I get A's on all my next tests that I can still get an A in the class? If so, how high do the A's need to be on the future tests?</p>

<p>This has me so beat up because this is such an easy class compared to my other ones but being careless on the tests has screwed me up the ass.</p>

<p>This topic is funny for so many reasons. Here you are complaining about getting a B+ and B on a Math test you thought you mastered, okay. But when you need to ask for a simple question as to what grades your next tests should be at to get an A? Come on...</p>

<p>First of all, we don't know your exact circumstances, grading policies, or grading period. </p>

<p>Second of all, if you can do basic algebra, you can figure out what you need to get the A. </p>

<p>Third of all, I'm stressed about math too. </p>

<p>Forth of all, I'm literally praying for an B- </p>

<p>Fifth of all, you shouldn't call your teacher an idiot because my teacher gives no points for stupid mistakes. It only gets worse in college. </p>

<p>Sixth of all, it can always be worse. Remember that. </p>

<p>Last of all, you need bigger things to worry about. Seriously.</p>

<p>Edit: Do your hw and cw. You're not God's gift to mathematics. Just because your acing high school math to some extent doesn't mean you can BS hw and complain about getting a B. God... since when did a B become the new C?</p>

<p>Stop crying; you shouldn't have been so confident in the first place if you had simple errors on your test. If your teacher is incompetent, that's a reason to complain. Also, you should be able to figure if you're able to get an A or not. After all, it is a math class.</p>

<p>Maybe you shouldn't be so confident then, huh? That way, you won't be riding for a fall.</p>

<p>This is bad advice.</p>