So... Does it make you mad when someone applies to the same school as you?

<p>Just wondering. I know a billion people applying to the same school as me and it really doesnt make me mad, it just lowers my self confidence a tad bit (not too much though)
how about ladies and germs?</p>

<p>sounds like you need to chillax</p>

<p>I think most people get really ****ed off because they expect to be the only applicant to a given school in a given year, especially since another student’s motivations for applying to the same school are probably personal in nature.</p>

<p>I remember finding out one of my friends had applied to the same school when we bumped into each other during the accepted students’ weekend. It was a little weird, but at the same time it’s good to know that your HS is good enough to get a couple of people into some pretty decent schools.</p>

<p>I have no idea how this could make anybody mad.</p>

<p>…mad? well only if they are doing it to “spite” me…in which case, they probably won’t get in anyway. i just find it amusing when people only apply to 10 schools based on OTHER people’s preferences.</p>

<p>It only makes me mad when that person or those people don’t really want to go there and I do. I know someone who’s applying to Columbia just so that they can get a recommendation but they don’t want to go there and have no intention of going. Columbia’s my 2nd choice. I was a little POed when she told me that. But other than that, not really.</p>

<p>I get nervous when I hear others are applying to NU ed, sure.</p>

<p>But I don’t get mad, no. I just kind of hope they don’t. </p>

<p>As for the rest of my schools, I don’t really care. It’s just that I’m borderline at Northwestern anyways, and so if someone else from my school who’s more qualified applies, I may not get in.</p>

<p>Only when they have better grades than me and better ECs, etc. -.-</p>

<p>It only makes me mad when they go to the same high school as me, have better grades because they cheated, and are going to college for free because their parent(s) work there, even though they’re too rich to even need aid. -.-</p>

<p>I get more mad when my friends apply to the same schools as me. I feel like they’re sucking on MY work and research for colleges. Like my friend who’s applying to 5 of the same schools I am. He hadn’t even heard of these schools before I started applying to them. It makes me mad that he’s being a copy cat. X (</p>

<p>everybody at my HS is applying to …Yale… it’s amazing !..and seriously annoying !</p>

<p>Good grief. There are plenty of cases where two top students from our HS get accepted to an Ivy or top school. (So many people apply to Northwestern it is not even funny.)</p>

<p>It certainly doesn’t make me mad, though it makes me a little bit more nervous. Three people from my school (at least) are applying to my ED school and while I know I have a decent shot and I know they can accept multiple people, I’m even more nervous knowing that I am essentially “competing” with two others…</p>

<p>its like one thing to know that you have to GET in… and another to realise that your competing with people for a place</p>

<p>Ahahaha I don’t get mad usually, but I’m sometimes annoyed when it’s someone who is clearly not on par with the school and who stands very little chance of getting in. And then they like to pretend like they’re “as good as” [whatever that means!] as I am because they can apply to the same school, lololol.</p>

<p>No one at my school would even think of applying to the schools I’m interested in, unless you count UF which I am thinking of it I get rejected everywhere else. But, actually, I wish I knew someone who was thinking of applying to the same schools I do. I would be excited to be able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing as I am.</p>

<p>1) i dont think colleges give a damn about coming from the same school as long as both of you are overachievers. </p>

<p>this is why i think the people who get mad over such things are stupid</p>

<p>deeptin, while it is tempting to believe that, colleges absolutely do compare you to your other HS students. While they dont have exact quotas, they have rough quotas. I know many people misinterpret what the colleges craftily say, but the fact is, they are judging you in context with your other school applicants. They want people who excel in their environment. Being a 4.0 lots of activities person isn’t a big thing at all if your from a overpriveleged school with 50 similar applicants. It’s like on the SAT when you see answers to a question that are literally the same, you can eliminate both. If you are the only student from your school with X level of achievement, your chances are better than if HPYS sees that… oh, its apparently not hard at your school to do that acheivement because 15 other students did it. If there are 4 applicants who list “Debate Team Captain”, then that achievement is utterly worthless and will arouse suspicion. </p>

<p>Of course, people who get mad about this certain thing are stupid because its stupid to lose sleep over things you have no way of controlling. But the quantity and quality of applicants from your school does, however minorly affect your admissions chances, despite what colleges say. No I don’t have Harvard’s Dean of admissions telling me this, but I have an uncle who is a ad-officer at a top 20 college, and I have common sense.</p>


QFT is all I have to say.</p>