SO Happy Today!

<p>We have our daughter HOME for 3 full days! We couldn’t be any happier. Last night as we waited at Chicago Midway for her plane to come in, it really was amazing to watch and wonder how many Chicago bound students would be walking in the same crowd as my D. We were pleasantly surprised to see more than half a dozen students meet their parents in the lobby just outside security. Everyone in their bama gear. She’s happy to have a bit of a breather, and I chatted with her today as she was writing some Fortran programs for CBHP and then scheduling her classes for next semester online (without asking me any questions), and texting her boyfriend and friends. She is in LOVE with UA! And so are we! Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Awww, I’m so happy for you Dad2ILD! It’s so good when they come home for the first time. I’m sure you have noticed many positive changes in your wonderful daughter. </p>

<p>Last year my daughter was a freshman and the first time that she came home to visit was magical. Just make sure that you and your wife are prepared for the emotions that will overcome you when you have to see her off at the end of her visit. For me, it was more emotional than when I dropped her off at college because I knew how much I was going to miss her. </p>

<p>So happy to hear that she loves UA, although I’m not surprised.</p>

<p>Enjoy and Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Our son might have been on the same flight (got in to Midway around 8:05). He hasn’t started on the CBH fortran programs yet, but did get registered today after some problems with the UA site were resolved. Great having him home until Sunday!</p>

<p>Such good news! Enjoy your visits with your kids! Younger son is home today! :)</p>

<p>My D arrived last night, too. Of course, since we live so close, she’s been home 2 or 3 other times. Although the last time she arrived a couple weeks ago, she came in late on Friday night after the high school football game only to learn the rest of us were leaving the next morning for 4 days at the beach (fall break for DS)! So we didn’t really see her much then.</p>

<p>I haven’t seen her much this time yet, either! We sat up talking awhile last night, then she slept very very late this morning, then headed off to do some shopping with her boyfriend (who drove up with her) and his mom at thrift stores. She has to be online at 7:00 tomorrow morning to register for her classes.</p>

<p>It was such a great feeling when we saw her again the first time, and I’m sure you’re so happy to have her home.</p>

<p>Living vicariously through you’all, have a great visit!</p>

<p>randomparent, yes, she was on the flight that arrived at 8:05, so I’m assuming we saw you as one of those happy groups. We’re off tonight for dinner with extended family, at her request, Portillos! Oh that chocolate cake is calling! :-)</p>

<p>So glad to hear that y’all get to spend some time with your kids for fall break! I was lucky enough to go and visit D earlier this month, so I’m only a little jealous :wink: Seems like D and her friends are finding ways to keep busy even though so many have left for the break. Have a great weekend!! Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Yes living vicariously through y’all. We did see S over parents weekend though.
Really looking forward to Thanksgiving now. Found out older S is being transferred to the UK late Nov & might not be home for Christmas.
Registration is complete after a minor glitch was solved that required a run over to Nott Hall</p>

<p>DadILD, You would have seen my wife. I ended up in the emergency room last night until 1:00 am while they tried to figure out some abdominal pain I was having. Not the best way to start our son’s return home, but the pain is gone and we have had a good day today.</p>

<p>mine got home tuesday night, soher visit will be a little longer! i wish fall break was about 2 weeks sooner. : )</p>

<p>Hope you’re feeling better Random, sending positive healthy thoughts your way!</p>

<p>Random, I hope you’re feeling better and that they figured out the cause of the problem and can fix it.</p>

<p>Thanks nicollec and BAMAMom2Be. It’s one of those weird things that is there for a few days and then disappears for days at a time. Today it’s like it never happened. Just finished setting up a game of RISK against my son while we watched my Cardinals in the World Series. He is now up helping his sister with her homework (she way prefers his help to mine). I suspect the RISK game is going to last longer than the rest of the Series. ;)</p>

<p>I am so happy for all of you who have your sons and daughters home this fall break. :slight_smile: Enjoy!!!</p>

<p>Our son came home Tuesday night. The flight landed in Houston Hobby about 8:30 and had a very large number of UA kids on board. We are so happy to have him home. Fortran is also on his schedule this weekend :slight_smile: but it is great to have him home and have all his friends home and back in our house. </p>

<p>We also see wonderful changes in him. UA and the Honors/CBHP are a great fit and we are blessed to have found Bama. </p>

<p>On a side note, stopped at a large tool supplier while in Houston. Hubby was in a UA shirt. The manager of the store came up and asked us if we were going to the “real” national championship on November 5th. Of course he was an LSU grad, but it was a great conversation. He mentioned how the UA tailgaters and fans were some of the very nicest on the planet. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>DS’s wonderful roommate drove him as far as East Tennessee (where roomie lives); we brought him the rest of the way home. It is GREAT to have him home. :)</p>

<p>So jealous of everyone who lives close enough to have kids home on fall break!!</p>

<p>We just found an almost-affordable airfare to bring DS home at T’giving. We used Trip Advisor and signed up for alerts when airfare goes below a certain price threshold.</p>

<p>Random, hope you are feeling better now!</p>

<p>Because he had a fraternity retreat to attend Thursday, my son did not come home for fall break. Instead, he and one roommate jumped in the car Friday and went to New Orleans. Had a nice time, too. Since he has tickets to the Iron Bowl, we’re talking about driving 12-13 hours to T-Town to visit for Thanksgiving.</p>