So how easy is AP Environmental Science?

<p>I'm currently taking AP Environment Science in school. However, my teacher says that for the three years that AP Environmental Science was offered at our school, not a single student received a grade below a 4. Last year, out of a group of students little under 35, only 1 senior received a grade lower than a 5. My question is: how easy is AP Environmental Science? I see APES commonly being coined as an "Easy, Self-study AP," and I would like to know the course and the test's relative difficulty. Furthermore, will college deans look at my portfolio with a dubious eye because I decided to take an "Easy AP" in my Junior year?</p>


<p>That is not the situation at my high school. You must have a teacher with a stellar passing rate, or very motivated class mates. </p>

<p>I’m in APES this year myself, and have a stellar teacher. She has a passing rate of about 50% , however. This is probably due to worth ethic/mindset of the students though, but I would say there is no such thing as an “easy” AP exam ever, since they want you to fail.</p>

<p>Oh yeah! My teacher knows this lady who is newly appointed to the exam-making board, and she said she is going to be pushing pushing pushing for more math. Which makes me sad. D:</p>