So how's the weather?

<p>I am from basically a desert town in California. It is absolutely normal and expected to see 95+ degrees for most of the summer but it’s rarely extremely humid. I hate it, but I guess I am used to it. And the winters are somewhat cold, enough to wear a hoodie, but that’s really all you need. I’ve lived here all my life. I don’t really know what the weather is actually like in the south. Is there a difference in weather in Alabama?</p>

<p>If you are used to the heat, then the summer months should be okay for you. However, it does get humid in the summer, which would be the only difference. Most students return home for the summer anyway, but there are others who remain for jobs, classes, research, whatever. It can still be hot and humid when classes begin in August (like the weather is currently in Tuscaloosa). The fall and spring months are very pleasant. The winter is very mild for those of us used to below freezing weather and severe snow storms. It has only snowed one time since my student has been on campus, and that was freakishly short lived (a light coating which lasted a few hours). There was also one ice storm, but again that was an anomaly. There is however a fair amount of rain, which can be heavy at times. You will need rain gear…boots, rain jacket, umbrella and most definitely, a waterproof backpack. Although, the rain and humidity are what keeps the campus so beautifully lush and green. Actually, I find the entire area to be lovely with the trees, greenery and flowers. The Riverwalk is an example of this. A bonus is that you won’t have to walk through a snowstorm to get to classes.</p>

<p>Haha, thank you. That’s pretty much what I wanted to hear. I really like rain (for some odd reason) and cold weather (but not too cold). I’ve only seen snow once and it lasted for less than a day lol.</p>

<p>I am curious about your screen name…are you concerned about getting into college?</p>

<p>Yeah…a little but with a bit of convincing, I decided I am going to apply to UA. But there’s always that thought in the back of my head that I won’t get in to a school, regardless of where I apply.</p>

<p>Are you currently a junior, senior? What are your stats, ec’s etc?</p>

<p>Senior 3.54 weighted GPA with 1660 SAT, Basic EC’s like VP of science club, graduate of my town’s Youth Leadership program (I have others but I’d have to think about them first. I have a hard time remember things I do haha). I am taking the ACT in September. Hopefully I can get a high enough score for a scholarship.</p>

<p>You should apply now, the application is very easy.
Was that SAT score from one test sitting? The University of Alabama does NOT superscore.
Go Look at this link for scholarships and see whet I copied below. These are guaranteed scholarships but don’t forget that you need to cover room and board, books, transportation and living expenses. The costs can be less in your second year if you live off campus. Have a talk with your parents about finances.</p>

<p>[Out-of-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Out-of-State”></p>


<p>Please review our FAQ section for details on the scholarships listed below.</p>


<p>A first-time freshman student who meets the December 15 scholarship priority deadline, has a 27 ACT or 1210–1240 SAT score (critical reading and math scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Capstone Scholar and will receive $14,000 over four years ($3,500 per year).</p>


<p>A first-time freshman student who meets the December 15 scholarship priority deadline, has a 28 ACT or 1250–1280 SAT score (critical reading and math scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Collegiate Scholar and will receive $16,000 over four years ($4,000 per year).</p>


<p>A first-time freshman student who meets the December 15 scholarship priority deadline, has a 29 ACT or 1290–1320 SAT score (critical reading and math scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Foundation in Excellence Scholar and receive the value of one-half tuition or $47,900 over four years ($11,975 per year).</p>


<p>A first-time freshman student who meets the December 15 scholarship priority deadline, has a 30–31 ACT or 1330–1390 SAT score (critical reading and math scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a UA Scholar and will receive the value of two-thirds tuition or $64,184 over four years ($16,046 per year).</p>


<p>A first-time freshman student who meets the December 15 scholarship priority deadline, has a 32–36 ACT or 1400–1600 SAT score (critical reading and math scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Presidential Scholar and will receive the value of tuition or $95,800 over four years ($23,950 per year).</p>

<p>*For scholarships awarded only by Undergraduate Admissions — If tuition is being paid by an outside source, with the exception of the Academic Common Market, the scholarship dollars may be used for other educational expenses (room, board, books, etc).</p>

<p>When you send in your transcript it MUST show your weighted grade.</p>

<p>^robot, some high schools don’t weight.</p>

<p>^^^that’s true, some high schools don’t show the weighted grade. You then need to have the guidance counselor write in the weighted grade on the official transcript. UA has accepted this documentation in the past (as far as I am aware). If your GPA is below 3.5 you will NOT be eligible for scholarships.</p>

<p>Hey guys! Yes. My SAT score was from one sitting. and my high school does weighted GPAs, which means my 10-12 GPA is 3.542. I just got a hold of my transcript today, so I will probably apply tonight or tomorrow.</p>

<p>Great!! Don’t forget to have the financial talk with your parents to make sure that you can afford the college. Good Luck! :)</p>

<p>Summers are hot, but thankfully most of the school year is not in the summer! :slight_smile: The crepe myrtle trees are blooming beautifully in white, pink, and purple.</p>

<p>In a couple of weeks Fall weather will begin and it will be wonderful. </p>

<p>Fall and Spring are really nice…beautiful. In the spring, many of the hardwood trees are blooming (dogwoods, cherry, etc) and the bulbs are blooming (tulips, daffodils, etc), and in the Fall the leaves are turning. </p>

<p>I’m from Southern California (Orange County) and I’d say that winters are a little colder than OC, because a few days the temps will really drop. So on THOSE days, you’d probably need more than just a hoodie. </p>

<p>But, no Santa Ana winds here (yay!..I don’t miss those at ALL).</p>

<p>YES!!! haha. The weather is sounding nice so far! As long as I get to see at least a LITTLE bit of cold weather!</p>

<p>It’s very hot and humid now but it gets better pretty quickly. However I have 8 am classes most days and it’s not bad at all when I’m going to class at around 7:30. If you’re used to heat it should be fine.</p>

<p>OMG guys! I am applying right now, but I need some help! So where it says
What do you plan on majoring in at the University of Alabama?
I want to go to medical school and there is an option for Pre med studies. Should I select this or should I choose Chemistry? If I don’t like that current major after I attend the school can I change it?</p>

<p>Yes you can definitely change it later. Choose the one that makes the most sense now.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying. So just for assurance, I actually want to major in criminal justice. Would a person who selected the Pre Med track be better off for medical school (which I am still not 100% sure I want to go to?</p>

<p>Actually, I don’t know why there is that premed option, since premed isn’t a major. A premed student majors in whatever he wants and takes that premed prereqs. </p>

<p>Typically, premeds choose an “academic major” such as Bio, Chem, English, Math, History, etc. </p>

<p>So, just select the major that you want.</p>