So I did a little research about this school....

<p>...and want to apply as a prospective Economics and Mathematics major!!!</p>

<p>GPA: About an 87 number wise UW, I know it is low, you don't have to tell me.
SAT II's- 2240/2400 US-740 Mathematics level 2-780 ( I know...) Spanish w/listening- 720 (estimate of the worse I could do)
ACT- 32 Composite, 11 Essay ( this means one person thought it sucked and gave me a 5)
Schedule: Most rigorous at HS, took all honors and AP.</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:</p>

<p>AP Micro Econ
AP Macro Econ
AP Calculus BC
AP Eng literature
AP Spanish Language
AP Biology
AP Government and Politics, Comp.</p>

<p>Most important extracurriculars:</p>

<p>1) Medical Club President ( 9,10,11,12)
2) National Representative of Operation Fly inc.
3) Student Government VP ( 9,10,11,12)
4) Co-founded Students for Improving Healthcare (SIHC) (9,10,11,12)
5) Gay-Straight Alliance member (11,12)
6) Hospital Volunteering, Hospice volunteering, and local Mosque volunteering ( 500+ hours)
7) Citibank "Internship" under my cousin's supervisor, a hook according to my supervisor. </p>


<p>1) Varsity Wrestling, Journeymen Wrestling club (9,10,11,12) ( This takes up an immeasurable amount of time. We practice 6 days a week.)
2) Travel Soccer (Summers, 9,10,11)
4) Jui-Jitsu ( 10 years) Go to tournaments, and I have a beautiful trophy collection my father brags about :P</p>

<p>Miscellaneous: </p>

<p>Recs: Very good, the teachers know my personal life etc, etc.
Counselor: Visit him once or twice a week, knows me very well.
School type: Public ~500 students
Region: I live in New York
Ethnicity: You can tell from my username lol, Pakistani
Gender: Male</p>

<p>Would you please chance me at:</p>

<p>Oxford College of Emory RD:
Emory CAS RD:</p>

<p>From what I know, Emory doesn’t have a dual econ + math major. However, I think you have a chance, esp. w/ those SAT scores. I think you should apply, + they have a strong MSA! (People say they learn more from fellow MSA’ers than did at Sunday School… that’s strong testament to the Muslim community in Atlanta)</p>

<p>Bump, I just need a few more brutally honest opinions…please help!</p>

<p>Yes, Emory does offer a math+ econ. BA. It also has a math+political science BA.</p>

<p>As for your chances dude, pretty solid based on your stats and ecs. You may actually have a decent chance at an Ivy (except for the fact that your GPA is questionable in terms of thinking about an Ivy, but I would still give at least one a shot). </p>

<p>However, considering the idea I stated above (the thing about applying to an Ivy), something weird can happen depending on admissions practices at Emory. I remember reading this peace of research mentioning how some top 20 schools sometimes seem to deny admission to highly qualified people that they feel will matriculate to a higher ranked peer institution (USNW rankings that is) to maintain a decent matriculation percentage. This applies to regular decision applicants though (ones who intend no commitment to enrolling in the institution). </p>

<p>Again, if admission was merely based on your stats., you seem very qualified, but it’s always a toss up. Some people with nearly perfect (which perhaps put them well above the 75 percentile for the most part) SATs are rejected or waitlisted, despite ECs, GPA, or whatever. I think this goes to show how important things such as admissions essays have become now. If you apply to any top institution, make sure you put some “heart” into your admissions essays. Avoid common, generic responses. For example, if they ask you about a meaningful work experience, try to give somewhat of a firsthand account of the experiences that made it meaningful. Not just, a generic and drawn out version of “It helped me build leadership skills, because (insert typical generic reason)…”</p>