So I got a package in the mail today...

<p>Hell yeah, CW!</p>

<p>there goes my physics homework for tonight...</p>

<p>Congratulations! Usually that means the other invitations will also arrive today, but if you don’t receive one, don’t panic, it may arrive tomorrow. It seems as if the Admissions Office was less specific this year–wanting to surprise invitees!</p>

<p>Congratulations!! </p>

<p>Though despite what siusplau says, that makes me SUPER nervous since invites were overnighted and “non-invites” were not…Was it delivered via regular mail or UPS?</p>

<p>tumbletiger- invites were delivered via ups</p>

<p>oh nooo, I didn’t receive a package :(</p>

<p>YES me too.
anyone else going to weekend one?</p>

<p>Weekend 2 here.</p>

<p>Weekend two!</p>

<p>weekend two also!</p>

<p>:( (10 char)</p>

<p>Weekend one! Hello, thisdude415. We’ll meet in person soon…</p>

<p>[Olin</a> College 2013 Candidates! | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook”>Facebook)</p>

<p>Weekend one, here I come!
Excited enough to already have all the flight arrangements and hotel bookings.
Maybe my interview didn’t go as badly as I thought…
And there went my BC hw…</p>

<p>Weekend 2!! Didnotfaillife, lalala99, and Geekylicous09 I’ll be meeting you all!</p>

<p>Congrats to all you CW’ers!
You will have a great time at CW. Come prepared to enjoy.
See you then! ;-)</p>