So I got a warning letter for a B- in AP Calc...

<p>I got a warning letter (email, actually) just for a B- in AP Calculus! I was a little surprised... I knew that a C is cause for some worry, but I thought that once you got in the "B" range you'd be okay.</p>

<p>He said there was no cause for concern <em>yet</em>, but that I should talk to my counselor and the AP teacher about getting the grade up, or even dropping the class!! </p>

<p>He basically made it clear that I needed to bring the grade up by final report, and if for some reason I couldn't, that I was under NO circumstances to let it drop any further.</p>

<p>What a damper on my day...</p>

<p>Just throwing this out there for everyone... don't let senioritis kick in, don't let your grades fall, and DON'T listen to the people who say that Yale only cares about D's and F's, because they care about a whole lot more than that for their admitted students!</p>


<p>pink001, what was the rest of your transcript like? All As freshman-junior year?</p>

<p>Was this your only B?</p>

<p>I got a B in AP Physics; I’m a little worried, because there’s almost no way I’ll get an A for my final report either…</p>

<p>That’s the thing, I’ve HAD a B before! I mean, I got one during my sophomore year first semester, and then one B+ during my junior year first semester (but both times I brought it up for second semester.) </p>

<p>Same here about AP Calc… I KNOW I’m not gonna be getting an A. If I’m lucky I’ll just be able to drop the minus.</p>

<p>Calculus AB or BC?</p>

<p>they did defer a lot of worthy students who are not getting any B’s this year…</p>

<p>Uhoh now I’m worried. I got deferred and I got 2 B’s my first semester of senior year.</p>

<p>they must’ve sent out alot of emails…if a B- in an AP course gets their panties in a bunch…</p>

<p>^ It’s a fact - Yale’s adcoms are gonna be stricter than ever, and are all women.</p>

<p>Is this something we can use to gauge the likelihood of admission in general for the RD round?</p>

<p>Collegehopefull, I wish there was a way…</p>

<p>By our powers combined…we could have Captain Planet find out?</p>

<p>I’ve had the same math teacher for the past 3 years. Alg II, Trig/precalc, calc AB. She kept moving up each year haha.</p>

<p>I think if I had a grade that compromised my Yale admission… I could probably talk to her and work out some extra work or credit to get it up. Few teachers are cruel enough to destroy your future over some high school grade… but then again there probably are quite a few teachers who enjoy the power they get over lives.</p>

<p>^ There are some teachers that are that cruel.</p>

<p>If I get into Yale, I will be laughing at them.</p>

<p>If I don’t…I will claim their firstborn.</p>

<p>I personally told me economics teacher I hope he feels like crap for giving me a B. Not that B’s are bad… it was just a ridiculously easy course and he lost my test :(</p>

<p>New teachers are ridiculous. He thought it was awesome to brag he got about a 950 SAT</p>

<p>A B- is high for AP Calc. They’re pretentious to think otherwise.</p>

<p>Ask the guy who sent you the threat where he attended undergrad, and what he got in H.S. Calc.</p>

<p>that is ridiculously anal and stupid. </p>

<p>but if they said drop the class, i would so totally do it. :D</p>

<p>it actually seems more like a reminder to “keep up the hard work” than an actual threat. but try not to let it drop into the C range.</p>

<p>Thanks for the support, guys. </p>

<p>Someone mentioned that there are “worthy applicants who were deferred that were not getting any B’s this year.” I don’t know if this was meant to be a condescending comment, but I feel compelled to remind this person that it’s pretty common for seniors to let their grades slip a little after being accepted, and that adcoms completely understand that… Not that it’s an excuse, but I think that if I still was trying to get into Yale, I wouldn’t have let myself fall behind at all in class. It’s just that the class took a back seat in my stress during application season and then my excitement over Yale. </p>

<p>Also, I don’t know if I mentioned it, but the guy was VERY kind. Which made me feel even worse. I’d rather have had him been a real prick so I could sit here and bash him!! lol jk</p>

<p>But I can’t. He was really nice about it, and I agree with whoever said that it was more of a “reminder” rather than a “threat.”</p>

<p>It just freaked me out a little, that’s all.</p>

<p>My grades haven’t dropped yet, but one of my classes is going to get a lot harder second semester. I haven’t been lazy at all, and I should be okay, but to get rapped on the knuckles for a B- is a little worrying.</p>

<p>On the flip side, hopefully this means an additional bonus for those of us who did well in AP Calculus… </p>

<p>Especially if we’re not going to be math-related majors.</p>

<p>nevermind… ughh</p>