<p>I apparently got it. I remember I got a letter of rec from a teacher who already wrote one for my privates, then re-copied my common app essays for the questions for the Regents scholarship. </p>
<p>That said: how many people get this, and is it a big deal?</p>
<p>Congratulations!!! It’s a BIG DEAL! Out of the 27k undergrads at ucla, only about 400-500 are Regents scholars! I’m one right now and the benefits are amazing! You get priority enrollment (SO IMPORTANT!!!), 2k a year + grants to cover all financial need (if i remember correctly), membership in the regents scholar society, and other benefits.
Come to UCLA during the Regents overnight stay program!</p>
<p>Lol don’t be scared by my overenthusiasm I’m exploding with ucla joy right now</p>
<p>where do they tell that you got the regents scholarship,do they send in an email or in your decision page?</p>
<p>ooo…what overnight regents night?</p>
<p>ooo…what overnight regents night?</p>
<p>They’ll send you an email and call you about it but you can find more info about the regents scholar society and the overnight stay program here: [Regents</a> Scholar Society at UCLA](<a href=“UCLA Regents Scholar Society”>http://rssla.org/) I’m hopefully hosting for a couple of them!</p>
<p>Oh. sounds like fun. Not sure if I’m going to UCLA though, have to wait till March 30 :(</p>