So I need a killer summer program...

<p>Hey guys, so I'm a junior who aspires to attend wharton as everyone doess every business minded student</p>

<p>i could just use a little input on a few things..</p>

<p>Summer program- I have't really done anything academis the last few summers so I was looking for something impressive..
I applied to the bank of america student leaders internship so im crossing my fingers and I was also looking into wharton lbw
any ideas?</p>

right now I'm at a 2240 with a 760 in math and superscored 2270
is that going to cut it??</p>

<p>I don’t know much about BoA but there are threads on both the programs you are interested in. </p>

<p>Standardized tests aren’t a reason why you get in to a summer program, or college. If they are horrendus ( which yours obviously aren’t) it may hurt and if perfect may help, otherwise getting in is MUCH deeper than a test score.</p>

<p>I attended a Governor’s School this past summer and I believe it helped. Not to mention that it happened to be right across the street from Penn :P. With the recent budget cuts, however, I’m not sure how persistent these programs will be. Oh, and the deadline was January I think.</p>

<p>You could always get a job.</p>


<p>I did it last year. Amazing program, incredible people, ridic opportunities. </p>

<p>Do it.</p>