<p>...when I visited, they served shellfish. Doesn't Yale accept the fact that I HATE SHELLFISH?</p>
<p>I have this funny idea to help us all feel somewhat better come reject...I mean, decision time. Although almost nothing can avail the sting of a deferral or rejection, having a bunch of these funny jokes lined up might remind us of a time when were we young and happy and rejection-free.</p>
<p>I have a couple more, most aren't very funny, but maybe you guys will give me some inspiration!</p>
<p>SIWHGTY, but...</p>
<p>...I freaking HATE cobblestones. Don't they know you can't run people over going 30 mph on your bicycle on a stupid cobblestone path?</p>
<p>...the average class size is too freaking small. Don't they know that I can't fall asleep in 3 out of my 4 classes since 75% of their stupid classes have less than 20 students?</p>
<p>...I could NEVER deal with an 12-person suite of all GIRLS. Seriously, does Yale want headlines like '12 College Freshman Seriously Injured in PMS-induced Brawl Over Last Spoonful of Chunky Monkey?'</p>
<p>Yeah, so I would have gone to Yale, but I talked to the admission officers there and we made a mutual decision, all of us agreeing that I was too smart to be going to college…</p>
<p>We had this Yale information meeting in early October… It was funny… </p>
<p>Admissions Representative: There are some misconceptions that Yale as a neighborhood is considered unsafe. Yale has worked tremendously in the recent years to change this attitude… etc, etc, etc… </p>
<p>(we stare incredulously) </p>
<p>Someone in the crowd: We live in South LA you know… how could it be worse?</p>
<p>Seriously. If people don’t have the spines to go to Yale because of minor personal safety concerns, I wonder what they’d accomplish in life…</p>