<p>I'm a nerd with too much free time. 100 lines, each composed of 5 dactyls and ending with a spondee. </p>
<p>This has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever worked on.</p>
<p>I'm a nerd with too much free time. 100 lines, each composed of 5 dactyls and ending with a spondee. </p>
<p>This has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever worked on.</p>
<p>Congratulations, you win [5 Internetz].</p>
<p>That’s awesome. Can I read it?</p>
<p>can you send me that? That sounds awesome!</p>
<p>you’re so cooool</p>
<p>If I hadn’t already gotten in I’d be a lot more worried that I don’t know *** dacylic hexameter is.</p>
<p>Isn’t it a dactyl?</p>
<p>“I’m a nerd with too much free time” and also one in need of validation apparently.</p>
<p>I re-affirm GenericName101’s diagnosis.
Furthermore: Gimmickry =/= ingenuity.</p>
<p>I’m glad you’re able to psychologically diagnose me based on a few lines of text.</p>
<p>I am in no way in need of validation. Actually, I wanted to know if it comes off as 1) engaging/interesting or 2) pretentious/absurd.</p>
<p>Why would I need validation if I just spent hours of hard, mental labor constructing an epic poem using an incredibly difficult meter? I’m elated. Is it wrong to feel proud of an accomplishment?</p>
<p>Eh, if it sounds forced it won’t help you. I know a lot of young poets who write in everything to trochaic tetrameter but their poetry stinks.</p>
<p>Again, it could be wonderful. Haven’t read it.</p>
<p>I really want to read it. Can you please send it to me?</p>
<p>I just e-mailed it to you, since it was too long to fit in the default messaging system.</p>
<p>I did something with essay structure like this, but for a different school. I’d say it’s okay. Anything to get the ADCOM to remember you.</p>
<p>Your essay was amazing. I printed it this morning and showed it to my English teacher. I like to write creatively, but I am much more of a science oriented person. Are you that person who understands everything in English?</p>
<p>I definitely don’t understand everything in English. Plenty escapes me. I do, however, have an affinity for languages–or perhaps more inclusively, an affinity for communication. When I realized how similar English and Math are, both subjects became much more enjoyable. At that point, Math was just another language to conquer.</p>
<p>Anyways, I’m glad you liked it!</p>
<p>Can you email it to me? I’d love to read it!</p>
<p>I posted it in the “Post Your essay” thread; it’s the most recent message.</p>