So If my D is in the top 4%

<p>of her class at the end of this, her Junior year and she meets the other requirements, is it correct to assume that she would be accepted ELC into a UC campus or into her 1st/only choice campus UCD?</p>

<p>I believe the guarantee is acceptance into a UC, not any particular campus. She also has to have a minimum 3.0 GPA and complete the required 11 UC units. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>She has a great shot regardless at UCD being in the top 4% of her class.</p>

<p>Thanks! That's what I was hoping to hear.</p>

<p>She has almost guaranteed admissions at tier 1 and 2 schools. UCSD admits 90% of ELC applicants, and LA/Cal admit roughly half of them.</p>

<p>Although guaranteeing admissions to ELC students is a decision that is made every year I'd be surprised if UC Davis does not provide this offer for Fall 2009 applicants like we have for fall 2007 and fall 2008 applicants. If your students' transcripts are reviewed and she is selected as ELC then most likely she will be guaranteed admissions for fall 2009. Since this isn't official (about 8 months before the decision will be made) she will receive an official letter from UC Davis no later than the end of October if we continue to offer this guarantee and she is selected as ELC.</p>