<p>Anyway, I am looking to try to transfer to SLC for the next spring semester. So far, everything about the school looks and sounds pretty good except for one main issue...are there crazy amounts of sexual tension on campus? As a strait male entering SLC, would I be cast into some weird negative minority group, or are strait males "welcomed" on campus.
Basically, what is it like for a strait male living in the Sarah Lawrence bubble? anyone feel free to answer.</p>
<p>hmm, so who here likes animal collective?</p>
<p>It's strange why there are soo many females here, but I'm a male and I'm applying, however I come from a school where 80% of the student population were men. I'm basically swapping the female/male ratio (which is GREAT mind you), but about sexual tension... lol I'm not sure. I really do hope I get in, I heard it's great for people who love writing and the theatre arts, which I'm interested in. </p>
<p>I'm wondering whether some current SLC students can shed some light on this?</p>
<p>haha…I appreciate animal collective :)</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure straight males are highly-coveted at slc. I was about to apply here but withdrew my application. something to do with money and how my friend convinced me that her crazy roommate in italy went there. and she was crazy.</p>
<p>hahaha crazy italian roommates convincing people theyre crazy which then results in someone not applying to the crazy persons school which then leads to the person not applying telling a friend about the crazy roommate which makes the person hearing the story not want to apply because he thinks all people at slc are crazy… lol so funiez. </p>
<p>i found this out through my highly attuned instincts:
1.) sarah lawrence was once an all female school
2.) sarah is a female name… you know? like if you go to a feminine school like you’re like totally gay amirite?
3.) to begin with most colleges and universities have a higher rate of women attending. </p>
<p>ps. they are all probably feminine braless 70s hippy lesbians that will eat you alive young one… be wary…</p>