so im assuming...

<p>if u didnt get an interview notification, ur pretty much out of luck right?</p>

<p>i have 3 friends at my skool who got interview notifications but i didnt...guess im not qualified or something? and besides how do they pick the canidates? they prob have scores or atleast some background knowledge of the applicant..</p>

<p>o man : (</p>

<p>no, I got in without an interview. its not that important</p>

<p>It’s really not. I don’t know why other students at your school got interviews and you didn’t, but regardless, don’t think too hard on it.</p>

<p>don’t sweat if you haven’t gotten an interview (I got in without one)
IMO, interviews are designed for those applicants whom they really can’t judge purely based on stats and scores and essays (on the bubble…so to say)
so it could mean that you have a great chance</p>

<p>Interviews are for the benefit of the applicant. Although the alum submits a “report” after the meeting (which we are specifically not permitted to call an interview), the report has little weight in the application process. Applicants are offered meetings (except for the hotel school and architecture) based purely on the availability of alums. The alums who conduct the meetings do not see the application. The meetings are a valuable tool for applicants to use to ask questions about Cornell and become more informed about the Cornell experience and life after Cornell.</p>

<p>how do ppl get chosen for the interview? is it random? like do they have any background information about the applicant? and i thought alumni meetings r not “interviews”…so wuts the diff?</p>