So like I got into Cal, Berkely and UCB..

<p>too bad I "WAS" a janitor..due to affirmative action I lost my job to your grandmother. ;)</p>

<p>This is sad.. GO DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE WITH YOUR SUMMER BREAK FELLAS. Hit up the clubs, get wasted, hook up, and wake up with some bumps on your nutss. Thats the way all CAL kids do it. Go out dere and get some scary encounters and if you test negative and survive, then you are meant for CAL.</p>

<p>thats really sad considering my grandmother is caucasian and dead</p>


<p>In any event its obvious I was just still waiting to hear back from Devry before I make a decision...duh!</p>

<p>You can always tell the better colleges apart because they have more commercials. Just like soda.</p>

<p>Ah, still waitin' on MARIC college! later</p>

<p>good luck ijflexi</p>

<p>psh luck aint got nuttin to dew it it. </p>

<p>i got mad EC'S a sizzlin 2.3589 Gpizzle! Dey gone wan me jus cuz I am da shiznit duhhhh. AHHAHAHA</p>


<p>i dunno i heard them cal states are better in biziness than berkeley</p>

<p>cal is overrated...only reason it's the most "prestigious" is because of its seniority....and its populace of hippie homosexuals</p>

<p><strong>puts on flamesuit</strong></p>

<p>yessum you might be right Mr.Citan but for a good ole boy like myself dem hippie homo-sexua-ls make darn good target practice. </p>

<p>I think i just may like it up there in Berk-eley. I always wanted to be a club president... perhaps I could start a chapter of the NRA! woot</p>

<p>to mr.homofromdown i got myself a calll from the dean over at CAL STATES DOMINGUEZS HILLS'S they said theyd offer me a grant of $75dollars if I so wished to educate my self there. the problem is////////</p>

<p>I dont know about goin to some place called DOMINIGUEZES! A ching CHONG ching CHANG...Cant understand you/.//GO back to your COuntrYYYYY Wipe pwoer....... ahhaha</p>

<p>i like to swat WASPs and eat them for breakfast.</p>

<p>o shiet! unreal is a []D.[].[]\/[].[]D !!!</p>

<p>Hahaha too bad I'm actually one of those rare italian jews</p>

<p>oh i heard this real bad joke about jews, but its really mean..and personally i do not think it is appropriate.</p>

<p>hint: it is about the situation mr elie wiesel went through</p>

<p>You mean the holocaust... Figuires a low life like yourself would resort to that</p>

<p>chappelle is god</p>

<p>Oh yes,,, he is...</p>

<p>im rich biaaaaaaatch</p>



<p>Where did you get an idea like that from? Clearly, the student body of CAL is nothing like you explained.</p>