So stressed out! I need help! Thanks a lot!

<p>Hi guys! I am an international student from Hong Kong and I was an exchange student in United States last year. This is my 1st year in Diablo Valley college (a community college) and i am now really stressed out since i have to decide how class should i take in the coming semester.
Here is some of the majors that i am interested:
1) Sociology

<p>I m trying to pick one, but i really have no idea what should i pick. I really want to get into UCB/UCLA, and some of my friends said the transfer rate of psychology to these 2 schools are really low. His GPA is 3.87 and he only got in UC Santa Barbara. And for Economics, is this a really competitive major? Most of my fds are in this major...</p>

<p>Do you guys have any opinions/ideas? Thank you so much!!!!</p>

<p>If you are not certain of which major you are working toward, then start with taking General Ed (GE) courses (which you need for transfer but are not major-specific). This gives you a little bit more time to decide while still earning credits. If you can, take GE courses that are related to possible majors…for example, some Sociology courses can count for a GE and at the same time give you experience with that topic.</p>

<p>I believe all the majors you listed are competitive. UCLA at least has gpa charts for the different transfer major admits:</p>

<p>[Profile</a> of Admitted Transfer Students, Fall 2010 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]Profile”></p>

<p>2010 stats:</p>

<p>Comm - 3.94
Econ - 3.93
Soc - 3.74
Psych - 3.78</p>

<p>Remember, these are averages and not threshold gpas. Meaning, some students with higher gpas than average were rejected and some with lower gpas were admitted. However, beating the average gpa would probably work in your favor.</p>

<p>Not sure if UCB posts transfer gpas, but you can imagine the numbers are very similar and equally competitive.</p>

<p>Work hard, get good grades.Then see what interests you a year from now.</p>