So U-Wisc is great academically..but is it fun???

<p>U wisconsin is my first choice but im also considering U-dub Seattle..I know that U-Wisc has a slightly better ranking but im worried about the social life there and the activities it alot of people I know at U-dub keep telling me that Wisconsin is too rural making it boring...please help me</p>

<p>I can't imagine anybody with any knowledge of the place saying that UW is not fun. Almost anything you could possibly want is there. Wisconsin does have plenty of rural areas but Madison is a city, though not a big one.</p>

<p>Your people are idiots. Wis has much more of a campus/city environment and is way more fun than Udub which is mostly a commuter school. I live in Seattle and there is no comparison. Most of Udubs social life is around the frats--yuk. And the Ave is a homeless wasteland.</p>

<p>Madison is FULL, hear me, F<em>U</em>L_L of things to do. It's a vibrant, bustling, albeit smaller city, but still full of life. On the other hand, the area around the University of Washington is rather boring. Mostly residential except for the run-down shanty-looking AVE. You'd have to take a bus to the downtown area of Seattle and even then, you won't find a ton of things to do like you can in Madison. It's one of the best college towns in the country.</p>

<p>wow!! thanks for the info ,it really helps. But other ppl in U wisc have told me that when they get bored the take roadtrips to chicago or milwaukee. I heard that chicago is fun but I dont know about milwaukee.</p>

<p>Chicago is great. No comment on Milwaukee. Sure it's fun to get out of town every once in awhile. Getting bored is really up to you. There is always something to do on or near campus within walking distance.</p>

<p>thanks barrons! im feeling much safer about going there now =)</p>

<p>Of course its fun! Look at its aprty reputation along with its great sports scene. State street and the downtown area is perfect. I don't know how anyone could call that campus dull. There is always something going on that will interest you, I guarentee it.</p>

<p>There is no such thing as a rural campus of some 40,000 students, 28,000 or more of them undergrads, plus all the faculty and other staff. Madison metropolitan area is around 400,000. If you want a few million people you can visit Chicago easily. Most of the time you want to walk to do things- sports, arts, music, film, restaurants, boats/kayaks, restaurants, political events... It's the kind of campus people don't leave on the weekends.</p>

<p>Excellent =)</p>

<p>As a UW-Madison student, I think Madison is highly overrated. Yes, it's a nice town, but it's just like every other good college city out there (Ann Arbor, Iowa City, Charlottesville, Athens). It's a fairly one-dimensional town. State street is pretty much the only "cool" street in Madison. While state st. is <em>really</em> cool, it is the only game in town. Chicago --and Milwaukee to a lesser extent---have much more going on. Obviously, Chicago has endless possibilities. Milwaukee has 5 or 6 entertainment/nightlife districts, compared to Madison's single "cool" neighborhood.</p>

<p>Are you there for school or partying...</p>

<p>I think Madison is a great college town. It is a large town with a small town feel. Coming from a city of 60,000 Madison would definitly be an upgrade for me and I think the town and evironment seem great. I would truly be surprised if I ever felt like Madison was a boring town. It has a really good vibe, plus compare UW to hundreds of small colleges with terrible towns. UW-Madison is a great place with a great location.</p>

<p>I appreciate your perspective mohammed wong but im still gonna be 100% optimistic about U wisc(madison) gonna try and be as flexible as possible with all the activities U wisc offers ...GO BADGERS!!=D hehehee</p>

<h1>1 Party School...</h1>

<h1>1 College Sports Town...</h1>

<p>Halloween on State Street...
Madison on many of the "best cities to live in" lists...</p>

<p>I'm from Chi-Town and I love it, but for a college kid, I'll take Madison everyday hands down.</p>

<p>You won't be bored here.</p>

<p>Mil-Town fo' life. Can't go wrong with Mad-town, too...</p>

<p>You need to see life outside of Milwaukee-I have lived in both and visited both recently and frequently. Madison MUCH nicer.</p>

<p>Hey, now -- While I agree that overall Madison and Chicago are nicer places to be, don't knock Milwaukee too much. I've been there a lot lately with daughter for accepted student events and like it very much -- Historic Third Ward, restaurants on the river, the art museum and lakefront, Brady St., the Brewers.</p>

<p>"You need to see life outside of Milwaukee-I have lived in both and visited both recently and frequently. Madison MUCH nicer."</p>

<p>If by "nicer" you mean safer, cleaner and more educated then I agree with you. But Madison, like I said, is a one-dimensional town. Milwaukee just has more exciting things going on.</p>

<p>The city is not a pleasant place to be outside the UWM area, lakeshore (I include the Marquette campus in the ugly areas). The poverty driven dimensions of Milwaukee may make it more exciting, but that is not my kind of excitement. If you insist on categorizing Madison based on the non UW areas, which btw do not matter to college students, you must include all of the good, bad and ugly of Milwaukee. Baseball is boring to me...</p>