So, UCLA lost our applications through a computer crash?

<p>So, has this been confirmed yet? A teacher at my school told me that the UCLA computers that hosted the applications crashed, which is why there's this huge delay (They're trying to catch up). Is that the whole story, or does it go so far as them actually LOSING our applications (Which is a few of my friends are saying is what happened)?</p>

<p>I believe the reason why the decisions are coming out later is because they're doing holistic admissions which apparently takes a lot longer to do than the old way.</p>

<p>how the hell do you lose an electronic application?</p>

<p>bruinboy - Never lost any data before on your computer? Hard drives crash, information is lost.</p>

<p>It took a long time because UCLA received the most applications of any school in the nation and had a brand new admissions process to implement at the same time.</p>

<p>umm yea i have lost info. but UCLA has back-up hard drives and much better equipment than I do. and why would they only lose a portion of the applications? just seems a little stupid to blame UCLA's technology.</p>

<p>"and why would they only lose a portion of the applications?"</p>

<p>Who said this?</p>

<p>I think it's stupid to "blame" UCLA's technology, but I'm not sure if this is "blaming" or not (and I'm not the one doing the blaming in the first place). I guess I'll talk to my teacher tomorrow about it. I don't see why they couldn't have had technical difficulties that attributed to the delay though (I usually believe what this teacher says as he's really into researching odd details and what not).</p>

<p>Regardless, I got in and there are no negative feelings over here :)</p>

<p>You should ask him for his sources while you're at it...</p>

<p>i guess im just bitter that UCLA has been getting so much negative press lately with the whole hacker incident, taser bull*****, and the whole pseudo-affirmative action controversy.</p>