<p>English Lit. 4. Maybe a 3. I misread the last question on FR, but i feel very confident about the 1st essay, and okayish on the 2nd.</p>
<p>Physics 5
US gov. Havent taken it yet... 4/5. Depends on FR. I'm hoping for lots on the judiciary.
Macroecon- Haven't taken. I am expecting a 5, though MC may go psycho on me and I might get a 4. BUt from taking practice tests, I am confident in a 5.</p>
<p>AP Lang and Comp - 4
APUSH - hopin for a 4, might be 3
AP Physics B - most likely 5 unless I screwed up more than I thought (=4)
AP Chem - 5 (haven't taken yet, but a practice test got me a solid 5)</p>
<p>Calc BC- 4 or 5 (probably a 4)
Physics Mech: 4 (5 would be by the Grace of God)
Physics E&M: 2-3? (I needed a 5 for any credit but I don't even care anymore)
Environmental Science: 4 or 5 (hopefully a 5, since this test is really that hard)</p>