So what do you do with an empty-nest?

<p>Yes I am married and we do have a good relationship. He’s all yahooozie!! lol I’m a little more introspective about it. I did adjust to my oldest being gone, and in some ways it’s easier to not be worried like you do when they’re under you rroof. In fact d is off at beach week right now and my son is practically a ghost here anyway. What we’re actually excited about this week is we can make whatever we want for dinner - lol That’s sad. The younger is much pickier.</p>

<p>You will enjoy the days when you decide to have cereal for dinner, or go out (we do that more than we used to). Much more spontaneity, much less planning. I am going to a movie preview with a friend tonight.</p>

<p>eyemamom-are you from the Chesapeake Bay area? your crab avatar suggests so…</p>

<p>miamiDAP-what I was referring to when I suggested my hubby will have no problem with how he thinks he will fill his time-is not particularly useful to you is my guess. For that matter, it is not useful to me. I know he is thinking that time will be for him to seek more romance. I’m thinking there are things I want to accomplish that aren’t about meeting someone else’s needs!</p>

<p>I expect it will take me a few years to go through boxes of sh** we have accumulated over the years and clearing out files-of things like warranties for appliances we no longer have, homes we no longer live in, receipts from 20 years ago, bank accounts long since closed,etc. I have craft projects started but never finished. This will be the chance to do that. There are a few pieces of legislation I would like to get introduced-I have no idea how-I’m not in the business-but there are issues important to me that I can see trying to make a difference in. I look forward to traveling to places on my bucket list and to reading some of the great books on our shelves that have been on my to do list for years. I look forward to re-finding a social life-our lives have been happily consumed with our children 24/7 and I look forward to welcoming grandchildren for the next round of attention draining-but it will be good to catch up with old friends and family in the meantime. Maybe fitness training will even make it in to my realm-I’d love to get rid of the exttra weight.</p>

<p>I will miss our children dearly and I will have no trouble filling the time I gain by not having them need me daily.</p>

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<p>@grandscheme - yes I do live on the Chesapeake. I’m setting out my crab pots soon, let’s hope that this year I actually catch something! </p>

<p>I can see what I actually need to do for the first time in many years - think about myself! Imagine that, what a novelty. I do have some hobbies already, golfing, gardening, boating, traveling. What I don’t like so much are the long months you can’t go outdoors. I do like reading but I’d like something more entertaining, and I really dislike crafts of any kind. I also have a company and I’m ready to kick it up a notch to kick some of my competitors butts. </p>

<p>I appreciate the suggestions in this post, as I am going to be an empty nester this fall. Our oldest is 10 years older, so we already have grand kids to keep us busy. We hope to do more travelling & anything spontaneous. But it is the unknown quietness around the house that I’m dreading. I am thinking about doing some sewing which I have never been big on and getting more organized around the house. I’m excited for DD and afraid for me. </p>

<p>@eyemamom -We set our pots out yesterday! Its a little early probably-the soft shells are running now-but we are anxious. We are in the Annapolis area.</p>

<p>When I mentioned crafting, I’m talking more about things like making the kids baby books and putting boxes of photos into albums. Maybe turning our discs full of digital photos in to photo albums. Painting rooms I’ve meant to paint. For others, though, crafting can be more creative and fulfilling.</p>

<p>We moved here from northern New England so the year round weather here works for us. We typically would not be in shorts until July 4th and they would be packed back up by Labor Day. Of course, this year was a bit extreme in our region-it felt a bit like northern New England.</p>

<p>It is field day at school for our younger two. A storm just blew in out of no where. Doesn’t seem a fair way to end the year. The “bigger kids” are at beach week for us, too.</p>

<p>Perhaps we meet for a ladies boat raft up-who says the kids should be the only ones having fun?!</p>

<p>We’re neighbors! I lived there for years before heading a little south of you. It’s still my shopping of choice at the mall there. You know the big new shopping center with The Target, whole foods, PF Changs, Brooks Brothers, Talbots, etc? I have to admit to wondering how I’d enjoy living in those condos above. Not practical with kids, but it’s tempting. I’m not so sure it would be a great idea for me to live within walking distance of all those stores though!</p>

<p>lol. DS1 is a valet at the center there and DD2s friend lives in those condos-the girls certainly love staying over there and walking to the shops. We are in SP on the Severn. We enjoy being here and I hope all the local and regional activity will be enough to keep the eventual empty nest not so painful.It helps to live somewhere folks vacation to.</p>

<p>It is nice to be able to spontaneously be able to go out for whatever meal or event you and partner (if you have one and both are interested) without worrying about whether a meal will be prepared for folks living at home. It’s also nice to be able to travel with only YOU (and any partner if desired)–much easier logistics, less expensive to feed one or two than more folks, easier lodging & figuring out interests.</p>

<p>Nice also to be able to stay up or retire early (getting up very early or late), without worrying about how that fits with the schedules of others in the household.</p>

<p>I am on a medical retirement, more or less, so have been figuring out over the past couple of years what my new path is. I’ve divided it into several categories:

  1. fitness/health (by choice & necessity) – I work out frequently and have ongoing doctor stuff which takes up time; 2) creative exploits (Judaic fabric art, quilting, embroidery, photography, wedding decorations);
  2. engaging the brain (classes at synagogue and craft shops, leyning Torah, refreshing my German, geneology, travel);
  3. work (paid or volunteer?) that gets me out with people;
  4. social activities;
  5. having more time to help my dad as he ages/traveling to see family
  6. getting rid of clutter/organizing stuff, thinking about what I want going forward.</p>

<p>Some of these things overlap – i.e., making quilts for a shelter via a quilting group at the synagogue, one day a week at my old office with friends and using that part of brains and skill set (so I can save $$ for 401(k) and medical reimbursement account, plus getting DH off my back). I am starting to cross-pollinate my quilting and photography. </p>

<p>DH is still working 70 hours a week and travels frequently. He has no hobbies other than cooking and reading and he has not exercised in the 32 years I have known him. Does not plan to retire. </p>

<p>I plan to get back to quilting too, except I don’t have a decent sawing machine, I need a new sawing machine. I also want one that I can do fancy embroidery. Gardening will fill most of my time, but when I retire it will be some serious gardening as in self supporting, not buying anything except meat, eggs, milk. I also will help out my daughter out with her business, she needs some one to do account receivable so she can get paid. She does have an accountant for tax and stuff, who knows what she needs but I will help her for free. I will also go back to school and trying to take as many art classes as I can, I want to paint my garden like Monet, paint my family portrait.
The rest of my time I have is to do some trading and watch over our investment, it requires watching CNBC up until 1:00 PDT on some days. More exercises for husband and I and that means swimming, we have 3 swimming pools in our little HOA community. Lastly, taking more naps, I’ve heard people who lives till 100 take a lot of naps, I will at least try to emulate them.</p>

<p>You guys can have a Chesapeake meetup. Problem solved. No loneliness!</p>

<p>@jym626-sounds like just the plan, huh? Come join us-we’ll serve crabs!</p>

<p>I’m in! I have relatives in the area. Do I have to visit them, though?</p>

<p>lolol! only if you are feeling bored and lonely and need the additional socialization. Now if it was me visiting…</p>

Some of the relatives I’d love to see, others… not so much.</p>

<p>Just came from a movie preview. A real tear-jerker. But one of the benefits of flexibility and being to go out in the middle of the week… Its too quiet here, though, with DH also out of town.</p>

You never cease to amaze me. Your drive, your talent, and your creativity. Are you just visiting back at the old jobsite, or are you working one day a week?</p>

<p>Interesting experience today. I stopped at a dept store to try on some formal wear for an upcoming wedding. Turns out my credit card (which would have saved me $$ if I used the store card) was deactivated due to lack of use. They said they couldn’t reactivate it, that I had to open a new account (I have my credit frozen so couldnt do it on the spot, but I digress…) I considered reopening an account (or essentially opening a new one) but they wanted my income. Well, I am semi retired. Earned income will probably be low this year. That was a strange feeling…</p>

<p>But, on the bright side, I am looking into sharpening my rusty old bridge playing skills, travelling more, building up my side business (have gotten the forms and website and some marketing, writing and speaking in place). Also redoing the family room (including a decision I made that I now am not happy with-- will see if I can fix it). Have enjoyed lunch dates, walks with neighbors, occasionally working out, my patio garden and of course spending time on cc! Continuing with my womens investment group and having company visit. And planning the engagement party. And still in the office 2 days a week, and serving on some committees. Still plenty busy.</p>

<p>Was the movie “The Fault in our Stars”?</p>

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<p>Yes! That was the movie. Have you seen it? I really enjoyed it.</p>

<p>I am reading the book and have looked forward to the movie. Didn’t realize it was out already. I know what in doing this weekend (cue the tissue box).</p>

<p>Its being released Friday. This was a preview. Spotted one filming booboo which I am not usually good at (when they went to the limo they left their house door wide open). But really enjoyed it!</p>

<p>I didnt read the book. But yes-- bring your tissues.</p>