So, what do you guys think og UCF's Engineering program?

<p>So, what do you guys think og UCF's Engineering program?</p>

<p>Ive already applied and should be getting my notification in a few days (I sent my transcript like 3-4 weeks ago...), and I wanted to know what some people in the program think of it..</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>I'm also interested in this question. Any industrial engineering majors here?</p>

<p>The engineering programs are really strong. I can’t speak much on industrial but I know the head of the mechanical department did his undergrad at MIT and phd at Yale. I am only a freshmen and had received a paid internship. UCF is certainly the second best option in the state and even many in the engineering program turned down UF.</p>

<p>It’s an intense program for most. My suitemate is in it, as is my RA, and both say it’s not for your average student.</p>

<p>Our Engineering program is our best program. It’s also second in the state, only behind UF ( and not by much ). If you live in Florida and want to stay in state, definitely consider UCF for engineering.</p>