So, what do you think of the new board?

I am using Chrome on a PC. The warning doesn’t occur in every thread. If I type " Yale " or " Caltech " in the thread at Was test optional, ultimately, a disservice to kids or was it the right choice? , I get the "it looks like your link to was already posted in the topic by … in a reply on Dec 21, '20 – are you sure you want to post it again? " warnings listed in my earlier post. I don’t get the warning in most other threads.

Perhaps the warning trigger is exceeding a certain maximum number of times a URL link may be posted in a thread. Or perhaps in relates to someone in the thread using a direct quote, which makes the " Caltech " and " Yale " autolink being expressed in the format " {Caltech}( https :// , with the full URL listed in the edit window (URL is removed in final post).

I’d prefer a way to make no autolinks to college names occur at all in my posts, such as a control panel setting.

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