So, what do you think of the new board?

@rhododendron, thanks. I missed it because I was looking under Notifications.

Seriously though, why would this setting be the default and then put it in an obscure place under one’s profile? Why wouldn’t it be in the thread itself, where a user is actually pinning thread? If not for you and the previous poster finding/mentioning where to find this, I never would have known why my pins were not staying pinned.

If you tap my screen name on a post, you will see the box that has the message button in it. My profile isn’t private.

This is a global setting we can change so that it is off by default. I’ll talk to Jon about changing it. It would affect about 1.3M users, so we’ll need to do it during off hours.

Thanks @thumper1, I see that when I click on your name. I think I understand now how to do it for someone who has a private profile. Not that I send many PMs, but good to know how it works. Thanks!

I just wanted to say something that I like about the new redesign. The ability to edit posts even after 15 minutes.

Also, while we might have liked the other website designs of the past, most of us will adapt as we have previously. It’s a free site, and many ways we are privileged that we have a place to discuss college admissions with so many experienced and knowledgeable people and all of this for free.



I had several posters on ignore. That feature has not carried over to the current format. How would I ignore them again? And will previously ignored posters get added to the list of things to address.

@thumper1: Go to Preferences>Users to update your ignore list.

I have to add all the ignores in manually? Great!

@thumper1 can you go over how you sent a pm to 4kids? Im not seeing an alternate way.

When I’m replying, the original thread is shown above. If the Reply box blocks it, I click my browser back button and the screen readjusts. I can then click in the posts section and move around.

I can also then shift threads, go look at another. BUT the Reply box I started is still there, associated with the thread I was originally replying to.

I had mentioned this somewhere. You have to either cancel the Reply/close that box or be incredibly vigilant that you don’t use it for a different thread.

It means you can go back to the 1st thread you were composing a reply to, finish it. But wow, you can also get this all screwed up.

Adding. Ok, on this post, I now see an extra question box asking what thread my reply belongs to. But it’s a bit of a head spinner.

Exactly how many people do you have on ignore? Lol.


Have to admit-I’m a little curious on the ignore thing as well. I’ve never put anyone on ignore but might be missing something?

The old CC had an ignore function too, and I hid a number of people over the years. Basically, if you find someone annoying or whatever, it’s easier now to not see their stuff.

Am I the only one who is seeing this new font? @CC_Sorin is this permanent? It’s tiny and hard to read.

Still unsure how the “reply” buttons work. If I click on the reply after a specific user’s post, or if I click on the reply at the bottom of the string of posts, my response still shows up in the same place. I see that other user responses to a particular post is listed as an indent under the original post. But it also appears for a second time below as if it were just the next in the series. Confusing!


The more annoying someone is, the more I probably tend to want to see what they’re up to! :slight_smile:


I think I had one person on ignore and he got banned. I’m usually pretty good at not getting riled up by irritating people.

I hit reply in your “comment box”, and you will see that the reply will be linked in your comment box, lower left corner. If I just hit reply and tagged you, no reply notification would show up in your comment box.

It’s clearly getting better. Still needs a way to jump back to the headers without scrolling through 3700 entries.


Is there actually an “Ignore” option? I have a “Mute“ option in Preferences, but all that does is disable notifications for a given user. There is a user who clogs up threads to the point of making them unreadable, and I would really like to have the ability to have those items collapsed/hidden like in the previous version.

@dragonmom I never return to the top anymore. I continue further down and pick one of those threads if they’re interesting, select the forum itself from that option right underneath those threads, or go to the three lines to pick Forums, Latest, or New. Scrolling all the way back is cumbersome.

As a warning, if you pick Forums it will open a new tab - I’ve no clue why. The other two work as they should.

Again, I’m on a laptop so don’t know how much one can do on a phone. Even with the old version I rarely used my phone for access.

I’ll confess I’m starting to like (vs merely tolerate) the new setup (once they finish getting rid of the bugs for those of you on phones). I still don’t care for the badges or singling out newbies/returnees, but I guess I can ignore those. Chances are I ignored things on the older versions too.


13M users? This must mean every user there ever was (considering you have long-gone, banned, and even dead users on the user list).

How many ACTIVE users are there right now, since the platform changeover? That would be interesting to know.