So, what do you think of the new board?

@CC_Jon Here is another example of something that was driving me crazy. Clicking on Bookmarks at the top of the page I could not figure out why some of my bookmarks are missing (bookmarks I added AFTER the launch). This morning I realize that if I am in say, Parents Cafe, I can only see Bookmarks that are in that Forum. And there is no Main Menu bar on the screen when you are in a subforum/forum. So I have to click on the “three horizontal lines” (whatever that is called), click on FORUMS, then click on Bookmarks to find all of my bookmarks. Or, I can click on my profile, then I have to click on something else (I can’t remember which) before I can finally find my Bookmarks.

Am I missing something? Is there an easier way to find all of my bookmarks without having to click around to multiple places? This is what has become so frustrating to me - yes, you have added all these new features, but at the same time, there is so many more steps to find/locate things.

I don’t necessary want to have to remember what forum a post is in, in order to find the bookmark. If I am in Parent Cafe and want to easily see my bookmarks for CC, I shouldnt have to click around to various menus to get to my main list of bookmarks.

Does that make sense? I thought I was going crazy knowing I had bookmarked something but not seeing it in Bookmarks, until it finally dawned on me that you can’t see them all when you are in a subforum.


@4kids4us, thank you for pointing this out! I am one of those who only reads my bookmarked threads most of the time. Now I know how to get to all of them at once!

@CTTC it shouldn’t be so hard!


Has this been mentioned? - I can’t keep track…

When I am replying to someone on their post shouldn’t their “@” name pop up - why do I have to retype their name to tag them? If it’s because their is no need because they should be checking replies to their own threads I would say that I don’t know that I’d always do that myself.

Are people who have “senior status” aware that you can post pics now? I think there are some limitations but you will see the “upload” pic icon at the top of your reply box.

I’d like some clarification from admin on what we can or can’t post picture wise.

Probably better to seek clarification on this thread:

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Thanks @skieurope. I would have referred back to that thread but my laptop is taking so long to load any page and I wasn’t exactly sure where I saw it that I wasn’t going to waste the time to find it.

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Petra LS 12-10-20 (2)

Yep, we can post pictures now - though I don’t plan to overload the site with them. Just testing using a picture we took yesterday of one of our “sale” ponies (happens on a pony farm). The other thread said we can adjust size, so I picked a larger pic than one I used there just to see - don’t see the option as of this typing FWIW. Might have to keep any pics posted naturally small.


What a gorgeous horse, @Creekland ! Fun to see the picture.

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Hmmm, I’ve been hanging out here for fifteen years :open_mouth: and I’m evidently not Senior enough.

Yay - I’m a senior :grimacing: !


You’re at the right level @dragonmom. the button is either above or below the reply window depending on your device. On my iPhone it is below and to the right. On my laptop it is in the toolbar above the window. If you are using desktop view on a mobile device it might be scrolled off the screen to the right.

Each device has its own screen dimensions so the placement may be different for you.

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Thanks Mike! I found the icon and it works, but haven’t got a compelling reason to post a picture right now.


I like looking at a variety of pictures if you have a favorite of some sort you want to share…

Yes, I agree. It broke things up nicely. I could typically remember on a normal thread that Xxx mentioned that on page 3, and if I wanted to go read, it was easy to find.

It’s still really jumpy on mobile. And I miss the page numbers and post numbers that were clearly tied to a particular post. On this site it’s difficult to tell what post you’re on because it doesn’t necessarily change when a new post hits the top of the screen.

I don’t like infinity scrolling. It’s like an endless loop. I enter a thread to read it and when I go back it seems like I’m dumped at some random point in the list of threads before the thread I just read and I have to do a lot of scrolling to end up back where I was.

And the battery drain is still horrible.

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How do I turn off email notifications when someone replies to a thread but isn’t necessarily tagging me? Those I don’t mind.

+1 on the battery drain . App usage reads 76%.

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I never tire of the sunsets on our community golf course. (I guess this is one upside of the update.)