So, what do you think of the new board?

Just about every app you use knows everything about you and your online presence. That horse left the barn a long time ago. If you are uniformed about this, watch The Social Dilemma and then watch Snowden. Nothing new. Here, under Preferences, you can see the device tracking under “Recently Used Devices” which currently lists both the desktop I’m currently using and my iPad where I’m still logged in. You can also log out of multiple devices from there.

I just went to preferences to check my device. It says I’m in Arlington, VA on a Windows Computer and Active Now (the last two bits are true). Not sure if Arlington is closer than NJ or not, but good luck looking for me there. I can’t even recall the last time I’ve been to Arlington TBH.

I often get invitations on DuoLingo for events in NJ, so they match the stores and think I’m in NJ. This is the first I’ve seen for Arlington.

The site is seriously unusable on a phone. It’s a massive drain on the battery. The page is constantly reloading so it gives the effect of an old video caught between frames constantly moving up and down trying to find the right frame. There’s no visible scroll bar. I get dumped to the beginning of threads I’ve already started to read (or in the middle) but never where I left off. Post numbers appear in a blue box when I scroll, but there’s so much lag that the updated number doesn’t correspond to the change of posts. I have a “webpage unavailable” message where ads are supposed to be and haven’t figured out how to get a screenshot uploaded. And I get acres of white space where posts are supposed to be because of the lag.

The sad thing is that I reported all of these issues before the launch. What’s the point of launching a site that doesn’t work properly?

Why are there two posts? I only hit reply once…


I’m surprised by all the negative reactions. I found the new site a significant improvement (albeit with some glitches – not uncommon with a complete revamp). Some of the issues mentioned above can be “fixed” with changes in default settings This new site seems to offer more customizations, which, in my book, is a good thing.

On the privacy and tracking issues, it’s a problem everywhere online as @ChoatieMom has indicated. If it is a concern, you can use a VPN (or at least browse in incognito/private mode).


I find it unusable on my IPhone. Works on the IPad but with several of the same annoying things others have posted. For some threads I get dumped at the top and others it seems to take me where I left off.
Also don’t get why when I reply I’m typing in the reply box but it’s also showing up next to it. Not sure the point of that.
It’s a lot of white space.

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I’m not one to throw about the word “hate” but I truly hate it!


They consistent scrolling. Obviously there was no QA done and if anyone understands a site that can have many pages to do a constant looooooong pay is just silly and poor design. And why had a Jump To option that doesn’t jump. I was on #2/27 and asked to jump to 26 and it took me two down. Oh well. Guess that’s a tad further than I was

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If you click on the number next to the heart, it will show a list of avatars who have clicked on it. Of course, if you don’t know the avatar, you have to click on the avatar. Really cumbersome.


Slow loading


Same with mine.


Not true. I’ve visited the “Residency Comes Next” thread several times since the new launch. I am consistently taken to post 1 out of over 1800.

One time there was an option in the lower left corner to jump to a number. It seems to have disappeared. If anyone knows how i can get that again. Let me know!


@thumper1 I do not have that problem. I’m not sure why some do TBH. I’m on a laptop using Windows and Chrome.

I know I played around with settings when the board first changed. I’m not sure if something I set had it work out right for me, but it always has once I’ve been on a thread the first time post relaunch.

And apparently I’m still in Arlington, VA. I wonder what it will say when I’m really in VA (not Arlington, but a bit further south).

Right now I’m in my armchair in PA getting ready to head outside on this gorgeous day.

What are the forward arrows with a user name on some of the posts in this thread? Top right of post.

I am bothered by all the scrolling and inability to move off a thread. On the old site, there was always the column on the right where I could click on “Latest Posts” or “Bookmarks”. But now I go up to the “Forums” and click on that to get back to the main Forum page. Very inefficient.

I am willing to admit I may be missing something, but it is not intuitive if there is a way around this.


I think it indicates who the poster is replying to.

As mentioned on the forum thread, this is so miserable that I am likely to walk away for a while. Just took me 8 minutes to read through 16 posts on one thread. The lag time and non-scrolling is unbearable.

Worse than the old dial up days. It’s a shame.


Is there only 1 page or is that a setting I need to change?

Not sure about others on an iPad but the new site is draining my battery! I have lost almost 10% of the charge in the amount of time it took me to read this thread and start typing a reply. I’m not sure why but it’s not good.