So, what do you think of the new board?

I just tried to change to Senior Member. When I refresh, it goes back to None.

Why can’t this just be done for every member automatically.


My title doesn’t stay either, once I leave the page it goes back to none. Doesn’t seem anyway to ‘save’ the title selection.

Oh that’s strange. Hmmmmm… I see the same thing. We’ll look into it. I’m almost certain it worked in the past.

@VaBluebird - great cap! Start the kids young… :sunglasses:

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Agree @Creekland, What a cute little Hokie @VaBluebird !


I think this was already posted, but where are we on lifting the limitation on the number of hearts we can give per day (50)?

I want to spread the love during admissions season! And yes, I realize I could just do an emoji and not click the heart, but the heart is easier!


The emoji route is too cumbersome when you’re reading several responses on a thread. That’s why I liked the last three Choices: like, agree, helpful - or whatever they were!


Today CC is working well on my (out of date android, chrome not the app) phone. Last time I tried it a couple weeks ago CC was completely unusable. This is progress.


Jon gave an update in this post.

Now you can give 150/day! If that isn’t enough, then we have obviously underestimated the size of CC members’ hearts. :two_hearts:


DH swapped my iPad for his old MacBook Air. Much better. Now, if I can just get used to this “reverse” scrolling…

You can change that by going to Settings => Mouse => uncheck “Scroll direction: Natural". (I have a list of things I change when I set up a new Mac and that’s #1.)

Thanks, Jon. I fixed it by unclicking Trackpad>Scroll Direction: Natural

I guess I prefer “Unnatural.”

Now, if I can just stop tapping on the screen…

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That I can’t help with. :stuck_out_tongue:


BTW: This took me (way) back. In a previous life, I was a Sun instructor and a Solaris sys admin. Good times.

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OK, I admit I haven’t read through all of this thread, and I haven’t been on CC lately as much as I used to be.
2 things that bother me - I can’t tell who responded to my post (as in “liked” or similar) and I can’t tell how many posts someone has. The numbers of posts was really valuable to me when doing research.

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Actually I just clicked on your profile. Then clicked on the avatar there. It clearly states how many posts and threads you have started. Look at mine…see if that works.

See the little heart? If you click on that, you will see who has liked a post via avatar pics that are not remotely useful. BUT if you click on each avatar pic there, the screen name of the person who liked the post appears.

Here is the screen shot of my info.


I don’t want to have to click to see basic info. about a poster. Who started a thread and their total post count should be under their name like it used to be.

All the clicks and constant page loading make me wonder if they’re tied to ad revenue or designed to make the site look busier than it is. I’m not a fan of websites that make my life more difficult or waste my time for their sole benefit. I think I’m using the site less. I check it, but I’m not really seeing much that catches my eye. It didn’t use to be like that.


My issue is still knowing who started a thread. And if I know the name of the poster (not a teeny circle,) I can often judge whether I’m interested or might have something to say or whatever.

Same for naming the last poster. There are threads where you’ll see certain posters responded and it gives an idea of the conversation. We’re all “what we write,” otherwise mostly anonymous. So why not let us clearly see who originated and at least the last responder, as before.


Are y’all going to do something about the reply function? It makes no sense for the reply to appear both under the post it responds to and then later in the thread.



I believe the idea is to tag the post being responded to if you use the one under a post. It is supposed to reference the original post in the upper right corner and if you click on that it will open the original post so you can see what is being addressed in your post. UNFORTUNATELY, that is not happening consistently for me. Sometimes it shows the post I’m replying to and other times it does not.

The reply at the bottom is to add a post to the thread without the link back to a specific post.

ETA: I just checked and it is not showing that I replied to you. So it seems like that feature needs some work. I just tagged you at the top of the message to cover my bases. :slight_smile:

This FAQ topic may help.

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